Youth Drama Skits

Youth Drama Skits


43 skits found

A Cleansing Baptism - Comedy
When children decide to play "baptism" a discussion begins on what this event really means.
Themes: Baptism, children and baptism, the cleansing power of water
Characters: 2 Length: 4-5 minutes
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All Talk Youth - Comedy
Gossip becomes a guest on "The Sherry Flinger Show"
Themes: Gossip, the tongue as a "two edged sword," words can hurt, hurting others unintentionally
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Amazing Grace - Comedy
One teen is relieved and another outraged at the concept of extending "grace"
Themes: God's grace; what grace means
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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America's Idol - Comedy
A take off of t.v. reality show's "American Idol" where the idols seem to be things like computers, cell phones, fancy clothes and video games
Themes: Idolatry, worshiping false gods, reality t.v., putting other things first in your life
Characters: 9 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Big and Small He Loves Us All - Comedy
When Andi has a bad day she deems herself a loser but God sends a ladybug to deliver a message of another kind.
Themes: God's love; God cares about all of His creations; seeing ourselves through God's eyes; we're all special and unique
Characters: 3 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Color My World - Comedy
When a group of children appear who don't look like the others, they are labeled as "weird" and "different."
Themes: Diversity; Black History; each person is unique and special; how people are alike; how people are different; picking on others because they are different
Characters: 9 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Color My World at School - Comedy
When a group of children appear who don't look like the others, they are labeled as "weird" and "different."
Themes: Diversity; Black History; each person is unique and special; how people are alike; how people are different; picking on others because they are different
Characters: 9 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Enter Into His Gates - Comedy
A girl tries to inform a group of students they are wrong about the meaning of thankfulness and the ideas in Psalm 100.
Themes: Thanksgiving; Thankfulness; Psalm 100; Being thankful in all circumstances; Thanking God for his blessings
Characters: 10 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Fight for Communication - Comedy
With the help of a counselor, Mom and Dad and their two teenage children try to relate and communicate with each other
Themes: Relationships between parents and teens; communication; seeing someone else's viewpoint; listening
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Fight for Faith - Comedy/Drama
Two opponents take on Satan in a fight for their faith but one shows up alone and the other brings Jesus into the ring.
Themes: Lies vs. truth; Satan's deceptions; understanding your position in Christ; Jesus' work through us; deceiving spirits; strength in Christ; fighting for faith; standing up for your rights as God's child; victory over Satan
Characters: 6 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Fight for Purity - Comedy/Drama
After compromising some of her beliefs, a teenage girl finally realizes her boyfriend isn't good for her
Themes: Standing up for what you believe in; purity of mind and body; inappropriate behaviors and relationships; morals; values
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Forces of Evil - Drama
Two teens and their neighbor ponder why God allows bad things to happen to good people
Themes: Why bad things happen to good people; why God allows evil in the world
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Forever Friends - Comedy
"The Friends Forever Friendship Group" seeks to fill a void in their circle of friends
Themes: True friendship, qualities of a friend
Characters: 11 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Free At Last - Comedy
Two teens misinterpret the true meaning of "Freedom in Christ"
Themes: Freedom in Christ and misinterpretations; spiritual freedom
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Garbage In, Garbage Out - Comedy
After watching a horror movie, two teen girls imagine the worst when strange things occur and they start hearing eerie noises.
Themes: Think only on pure or good things; what you put into your mind affects your actions; the effects of watching scary movies; Halloween
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Gathering of Angels - Comedy
With Jesus birth quickly approaching, angels are called to find a way to tell the humans about this miraculous event.
Themes: Christmas; Angels announcing the coming birth of Jesus; human interaction with angels
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Gettin By With a Little Help From Your Friends - Comedy
When Fern's barnyard companions find her crying, they decide to help in whatever way they can. Based on "Charlotte's Web."
Themes: Based on I Timothy 4:12: "Let no one despise thy youth"; helping one another; working together; problem solving; even if you are young or small you are important and can make a contribution; friendship
Characters: 8 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Glory Rocks - Comedy
When a group of friends do nothing but complain, the surrounding rocks have to cry out.
Themes: Being thankful in all situations; praising God no matter the circumstances; complaining vs. being thankful
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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How the Brady West Was Won - Comedy
Jan Brady, who lives in her sister Marsha's shadow, hopes things will be different on a vacation in the old west.
Themes: Self-esteem, self-worth
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Jersey Shore No More - Comedy
Two "wanna be" Jersey Shore mates invade a youth mission trip.
Themes: Being yourself; inner beauty; lifestyles
Characters: 8 Length: 5-8 minutes
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John and the Whale of a Tale - Comedy
When John runs away from going to the dentist, he finds himself in a similar situation to Jonah and the whale
Themes: Jonah & the whale, obedience, running away from your problems; facing your problems
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Lay Your Burden Down - Drama
Four teens discover they don't have to carry around unnecessary burdens--they can give them all to Jesus
Themes: Laying our burdens at the cross; carrying heavy loads; giving our burdens to Jesus; dealing with life's problems; the pressures of life; stress
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Lent is Spent - Comedy
A group of kids are challenged to "take on" things for Lent (good attitudes, community service etc.) instead of giving things up.
Themes: Easter; Lent; thinking of others; community service,
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Love is the Greatest Gift - Comedy
Favorite holiday characters learn that Love is the true reason for Christmas.
Themes: Christmas, Love, Commercialism, "The Reason for the Season," Treating others with love, what makes love special, celebrating love at Christmas
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Love Thy Brother - Comedy
Kate's friend can't comprehend how Kate can treat her brother with love and respect since this seems like a foreign concept
Themes: Brotherly love; respecting and loving others; parallels the concept of when we love God, we will automatically love others; (in the same way, if we love each other, lots of the world's problems could be easily solved because most of them would never occur in the 1st place if we followed this rule)
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Mission Possible - Drama
When a youth leader suggests doing more service projects in the community, several teens fight against it.
Themes: Mission work; community service; helping others in need; volunteer work; God calls us to serve others; outreach programs; Matthew 25
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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More Than a Chocolate Cross - Comedy/Drama
Two kids who thought Easter was mainly about coloring eggs and getting Easter baskets, learn its true meaning.
Themes: Easter; the real meaning of Easter; Jesus died for our sins
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Pearls of Wisdom - Comedy
While seeking refuge from the big bad wolf, Red Riding Hood runs into other fairy tale characters needing a boost of self-esteem.
Themes: Self-esteem; self-worth; fairy tales; how God sees us; life's struggles and victories
Characters: 11 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Ring of Value - Comedy
Four contestants step into the Boxing Ring of Values, righting for what they believe in
Themes: Fighting for what you believe, shallow values
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Seeds of the Harvest - Comedy/Drama
It's planting time and the seeds are giving Farmer a hard time, wanting to be planted NOW!
Themes: Waiting on God; Having patience; Trusting that God knows what's best for you; Having a solid foundation; Goad has a plan for you; Harvesting; Making wise decisions
Characters: 8 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Serve to Win the Prize - Comedy
Three children have misconceptions about what it means to "serve" God.
Themes: Serving God; winning the eternal prize
Characters: 4 Length: 4-6 minutes
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Showers of Blessings - Comedy
Lori and Beth misunderstand the meaning of "God's shower of blessings"
Themes: Recognizing God's blessings; God's work in our life
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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The Cars in Dad's Garage - Comedy
When the Ford family of cars has a problem, it's natural they turn to their mechanic dad
Themes: Father's Day; father's providing for their family, comparing the care of your car to the care of your children, appreciating the things dad's do for the family
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Choice is Yours - Drama
After making a poor decision to attend a party with drugs and alcohol, a teenage girl gets another chance to make it right.
Themes: Teens and drug/alcohol abuse; consequences of decisions; making good choices; peer pressure
Characters: 10 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Rocks Cry Out - Comedy
When teens Tom and John have a hard time asking the new guy in town to play in their church band, they force the surrounding rocks to come to life
Themes: Ashamed of being a Christian; talking about God; the rocks cry out if God's people don't praise Him; peer opinions
Characters: 6 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Transformation Station - Comedy
Polly must set the record straight when her friends incorrectly interprets the ideas in Romans 12, about being spiritually transformed.
Themes: Romans 12; being spiritually transformed; using the talents God gave us; misinterpreting scripture: back to school
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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These Friends of Mine - Comedy
Sarah has invited several friends over for a slumber party but soon regrets it because of their selfish behavior.
Themes: Friendship; characteristics of a friend; how to treat others; selfishness
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Totally Hooked - Comedy
Told from a school of fish's point of view, they ponder who Jesus is and recall some miracles he has performed.
Themes: The miracles of Jesus; fishers of men; Jesus walking on the water; Jesus feeding the 5,000; marveling at who Jesus is; questioning the identity of Jesus
Characters: 6 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Trust Then Obey - Comedy
A family decides to close their restaurant until they begin to hear God's voice telling them otherwise.
Themes: Trusting in God; Proverbs 3:5,6 (Trust in the Lord with all your heart...; obeying God; hearing God's voice
Characters: 7 Length: 8-10 minutes
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When No One is Watching - Comedy
An essay contest, inspired by a hunky actor, changes the lives of three teenage girls.
Themes: Love your neighbor; kindness; compassion; who are you when no one is looking; God's chosen people
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Whistle While You Work - Comedy
When Chad is grumpy about doing something he promised, he gets a mysterious visit
Themes: Serving God with joy; finding joy in any circumstance; encouraging one another; discouraging negativity
Characters: 9 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Who's Your Idol - Comedy
Another take off of t.v. reality show "American Idol" where the idols this time are money and pleasure
Themes: Idolatry, worshiping false gods, reality t.v., putting other things first in your life; money; pleasure; workaholics; fearing God
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Working Until Jesus Comes - Comedy
A young girl is searching through the "want ads" to find a job because she wants to work for Jesus.
Themes: Working for Jesus; Helping others; Not being selfish
Characters: 9 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Black History Month
(23 Skits)
Dreams Begin with DreamersThe impact of the dreamers in our history
PersevereObama speaks to Mandela and Marting Luther King
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
Hair We Go AgainMadam C.J. Walker's hair care beginnings
Night WatchLincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation
Color My WorldChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Color My World at SchoolChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Peanut GalleryGeorge Wshington Carver & the peanut
Unforgettable OA fun tribute to Oprah Winfrey
This Means WarCivil War statues come to life in a museum
Use Me UpA tribute to the life work of Oprah Winfrey
ReminiscingAfrican American icons reflect on their lives
Name that ContributorA guessing game of Black History
Call to WorshipWorship during slavery
Thrill RideAppreciation for Michael Jackson's life work
Going UnderA slave family escapes to freedom
Symbols of FreedomVarious voices in black history
FulfillmentPast meets present
Invention ConnectionAfrican American Inventors
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
GenerationsChanges in black history
The Seat of her PantsRosa Parks
The Future is HistoryContributions to Black History
Marthin Luther King Jr. Day
(3 Skits)
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
FulfillmentPast meets present
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
Valentine's Day
(17 Skits)
Oh, the Places You Can GoA young couple analyzes their future together
Hillbilly LoveOpposites attract
The Perfect BlendComparisons of marraige to a good cup of coffee
My ValentineFour children learn about sharing God's love
Pretty Woman at the WellMelodrama about the woman at the well
Sweet AdelineA woman wants more romance from her husband
Games People PlayA couple manipulate each other to get their way
Seasonal ConceptsEvery marriage experiences ups and downs
Cupid's ArrowA husband and wife switch roles
Would You Be MineCompromise in relationships
Classic MilesMaintaining your relationship
God's ValentineGod's Love
Light My FireRekindling the romance
Looking for LoveDefining Love
I Love You, ButMarriage relationships
Love Me TenderMeeting each other's needs
How Do I Love TheeGod's Love