Christian Living Skits

Christian Living Skits


59 skits found

A Cleansing Baptism - Comedy

When Matt and Polly are looking for something to do, Polly suggests playing "baptism."  When Matt is hesitant, Polly assumes Matt doesn't know what baptism is, since he seems to have a problem paying complete attention in Sunday School.  From there a discussion ensues about what the significance of baptism really is, and why it seems crucial to use water, instaed of Matt's Pepsi suggestion.

Themes: Baptism, children and baptism, the cleansing power of water
Characters: 2 Length: 4-5 minutes
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A Pirates Treasure Modified - Comedy

Captain Jack and his sidekick, Grunt, have found a treasure map, promising to lead them to riches and everlasting treasures, but only if they can crack the secret code.  They have great difficulty until Indiana Jones appears and promises to save the day.  However, when the map leads them in an unexpected direction, Captain Jack is ready to draw his sword in protest.  He learns the everlasting "treasure" is really God's son, Jesus, and the “hidden treasures” are God’s word.  Will Captain Jack find the kind of treasure he seeks or will he learn "all that glitters is not gold"?

Themes: God's word, hidden treasures, God's word is for everyone, coming back to the church
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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A Shining Star - Comedy

Using the theater as a metaphor for life, a Director and her assistant hold auditions for a "super star": someone who can be a light in the darkness and a shining example of God's love. But finding this "star" proves harder than it seems:  Starla thinks she shines because of the way she looks and that she's a good example because people will be drawn to her beauty; Francis is all "business" and no emotion and thinks she can win people over with her "smarts";  Madge believes in the "fire and brimstone" approach by scaring people into believing in God; and Hazel has such low self-esteem and a poor understanding of the Bible that it's hard to see her as any kind of star.  All hope of finding a star seems lost until a conversation with the janitor ensues, and we're reminded that a true star can shine anywhere. 

Themes: Reaching others for God; Witnessing; Evangelism; Shining like the stars in the heavens; Being an example for others; Being a light in the darkness
Characters: 7 Length: 8-10 minutes
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A Special Bouquet - Comedy/Drama

When teenager Jake wants to give flowers to an important teacher in his life, he seeks the help of a florist, a woman named May. However, May and her niece, Liz, become horrified when they learn Jake wants his special bouquet to be made of dandelions. In an outrage, Liz cries out, "Are you completely insane? You don't give dandelions as a gift! Anybody in their right mind knows you give a woman roses!"  Throughout the course of the conversation Liz, along with the help of May,  tries to prove the splendor of the rose but Jake will have none of it, claiming that the dandelion is the most misunderstood flower there is.  "While plants like roses take and take (sucking large amounts of nutrients from the soil, leaving little for any others), dandelions "give back " by providing food, medicines and colorful dyes." But it really comes down to the end when Jake reveals that he sees himself as a dandelion. "No one ever really sees them.  People walk by them and over them, and step on them every single day.  But no one ever stops to smell a dandelion. No one admires a dandelion or stares dreamily at a dandelion.  No one ever gives dandelions as a gift. You said so yourself, people look at dandelions as a weed."  He then proclaims that all he's ever wanted is for someone to really see him, and for him, that person was his teacher, who then introduced him to God--the one who sees all.

Told with humor and warmth, this skit is for anyone who has ever felt like or known a "dandelion." The message is simple: "Don't let the outside fool you.  You are stronger and more beautiful than you know."

Themes: How we see ourselves vs. how God sees us; special people in our lives; one person can make a difference
Characters: 3 Length: 5-8 minutes
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All Talk Adult - Comedy

Gossip is the guest on The Sherry Flinger Show.  Gossip seems to be quite a celebrity: she's invited to all the parties and is adored by loyal fans. Through the show's callers, we discover why she's so popular and the effect she can have on all those she comes in contact with.

Themes: Gossip, the tongue as a "two edged sword," words can hurt, hurting others unintentionally
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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All You Need - Comedy/Drama

Jill is lonely and distraught after her longtime boyfriend, who she thought was going to propose, dumps her instead.  As a way to fulfill the emptiness she feels inside, she turns to online chat rooms and the Home Shopping Network, where she orders every item she sees. When her friend, Renee, shows up "calling" Jill on her recent destructive behavior, Jill doesn't want to hear any of it.  Instead, she keeps right on buying smoothie machines and chin stretchers, and chatting online with new men, hoping to build her damaged self-esteem.  All the while, Jesus talks tenderly to Jill, hoping to lure her from her destructive patterns and into his arms, proving once and for all, Jesus is all she really needs.  

Themes: Easter; Looking to people and material items to fulfill things that only Jesus was meant to fill; the idea that all we really need is Jesus in our life; Jesus fulfills and completes us & is the only one who can
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Amazing Grace - Comedy

Teenager Matt has been told repeatedly not to play golf in the backyard. Today, however, he is convinced he'll be more careful, even though in the past, several golf balls have landed over the fence and into his neighbor's yard.  His sister warns him against such play but Matt doesn't heed her warnings.  Sure enough, one golf ball too many sails across the neighbor's fence and breaks a window.  Matt is horrified, until the neighbor extends some "grace" his way, and tells him not to worry about paying for the window.  Matt is relieved and grateful but his sister is outraged. She cannot comprehend the meaning of grace and demands he be punished for his reckless act.

Themes: God's grace; what grace means
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Baggage Claim - Drama

After several years of no contact, Julie shows up at the home of a friend lugging two very heavy "bags" behind her. When the friend questions her as to the reason for the bags, Julie recounts the events in her life that made them appear: years ago when Julie was engaged to Mark, she discovered her sister, Jill, was having an affair with her fiancee. Betrayed and humiliated, Julie left town only to discover that her "baggage" followed her. Five years later, due to a large family celebration, Julie must "confront" Mark and Jill who were eventually married. The only problem is anger and bitterness have filled Julie's heart and the more she dwells on the past, the more "baggage" appears.  When Julie's friend tells her she needs to leave the past behind and forgive Mark and her sister, Julie finds it an impossible task; however, she realizes the only way to freedom is through forgiveness.  But finding the strength to do it is another matter entirely.

Themes: Emotional baggage; forgiveness/unforgiveness; making peace with your past; emotional hurts; emotional healing
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Beautiful You - Comedy

When Linda and Paige are "caught" cheating on their diets a discussion takes place on the nature of beauty and how it fades over time.  According to Paige, "It’s so unfair!  One day I’m walking down the street turning every guy’s head, and years later I’m standing in the shower looking at a gray hair dangling from my armpit."  Linda has to agree. "I was looking at my legs in the mirror the other day and I swear my thighs have more dimples than a box of golf balls!"  After several more "put downs" and self-degrading comments, June, a woman who overhears their conversation, can't take it anymore and joins them at their table to set the record straight on beauty.  "God has a very different definition of what makes a women beautiful, " she says, "and it has nothing to do with what is external."  From there, June explains God is more concerned with what is in the heart, and the ladies begin to see God's truth in the old adage, "Beauty is only skin deep."

Themes: Physical beauty; inner beauty; how God looks upon us; distorted views of beauty; beauty that doesn't fade; God's idea of inner beauty
Characters: 3 Length: 6-8 minutes
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Catch a Wave - Comedy

When Frank stumbles upon Zeb, he doesn't quite know what to think: Zeb is waving into the air then using a fishing net to swat at it.  When Frank's curiosity gets the better of him, he finally asks Zeb what it is that he's doing.  To which Frank replies, "Can't you see?  I'm trying to catch a wave."  From there, the misunderstandings continue to get worse, as Zeb, a backwoods country man, has no idea what surfing is all about.  This comical, short skit introduces the idea that things in your "neck of the woods" may be different than someone else's, and illustrates the point that our words may have different meanings to different people. 

Themes: Misunderstanding; miscommunication; different ways of life; surfing
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Dear Jesus - Drama

Ted and Jill and have given a mysterious, priceless box.  They don't know why the box was given to them or what it contains, but they do know it's very heavy.  Imagine their surprise when they open the box to discover it's empty.  Or is it?  When Jill puts her hand in the box she can feel something in there but still can't see anything.  It sounds impossible, but the situation becomes more so when Jill and Ted begin pulling letters out of the box that date all the way back to Jesus era!  They find letters from Jarius, who's daughter he thought dead, the women who touched the hem of Jesus' garment, the adulteress woman who was about to be stoned and even from Mary, Jesus' mother.  Each letter contains some kind of sentiment on what their life would have been like had Jesus not been a part of it.  More current letters also appear as we hear from a little girl afraid of the dark, a grieving husband and a prison inmate convicted of murder.  In the end, Ted and Jill are reminded of their own life and what it would mean if Jesus weren't a part of it.  

Themes: Where would we be without Jesus, Jesus is always there for us, Jesus as a friend, comforter, healer etc., the difference Jesus can make in our lives
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Deep in my Heart - Comedy

Paul has lost his joy and can't seem to find it anywhere.  He's looked in the refrigerator, near his wife's famous cheesecake; in the garage, where his brand new Chevy truck sits; and even inside his shoes!  (You'll have to buy the skit to figure that one out!) But no matter where Paul looks, his joy is nowhere to be found.  Not even a call to the 911 operator can help him.  After all else fails, Paul finally looks in the least likely of places and discovers his joy wasn't missing at all, just misplaced.

Themes: Joy, happiness, contentment
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Fight for Communication - Comedy

Mom and Dad and their two teenage children, Kyle and Lisa, seek the help of a counselor to try and repair their relationship. The convesation quickly turns into a "boxing match," pitting parent against child.  During the "fight" things become more clear as they each begin to see things from the other's perspective.  It looks like hope will spring eternal, but in the end, old habits die hard. 

Themes: Relationships between parents and teens; communication; seeing someone else's viewpoint; listening
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Fight for Faith - Comedy/Drama

When Fred stepped into the boxing ring he had no idea what he was up against. Deceiver, one of Satan's female demons, was ready to take Fred down, and she pulled out all the stops in order to do so. Using lies and "trickery" she was easily able to defeat Fred, who had no idea of his position in Christ. He ends up knocked-out on the floor.  Things are different when Sarah, a young girl steps into the ring. Deceiver thinks she has another easy victory on her hands; however things turn out a bit differently when Jesus steps into the ring with Sarah.  Suddenly, all the old "stand-bys" aren't working because Sarah stands firm in her position in Christ, and Deceiver finds herself on the end of several punches. When she winds up on the floor, Satan himself stands in. In the end, with Jesus' help, Sarah proves victorious over Satan and his lies.

Themes: Lies vs. truth; Satan's deceptions; understanding your position in Christ; Jesus' work through us; deceiving spirits; strength in Christ; fighting for faith; standing up for your rights as God's child; victory over Satan
Characters: 6 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Fight for Purity - Comedy/Drama

Little by little Rita, a teenage girl, is compromising her values (sneaking into bars, watching inappropriate movies etc.) to please her cute boyfriend, Harry. But when her friend Jason challenges Harry's values, Rita's eyes are opened.  It seems Harry and his buddies have a contest to see who can corrupt young girls the fastest and Harry's sights were set on Rita.  In the end, Rita stands up for what she believes in and gives Harry a "piece of her mind" that he won't soon forget. 

Themes: Standing up for what you believe in; purity of mind and body; inappropriate behaviors and relationships; morals; values
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Fight for Your Life - Comedy

Max and Alex want to learn to "fight" (handle life's lessons), so they show up at a boxing ring. However, the owner of the ring tells them they need to train before they can even think about stepping into the ring.  With the help of Rocky and Sandy, the coaches, Max and Alex begin their training.  Rocky is a firm believer in hard work and makes Alex train long and hard.  But Sandy has a more laid back approach and Max finds her methods more appealing, in spite of the fact that  she is a "girl."   After a week of vigorous and not so vigorous training, who will still be standing at the end of the final round? 

Themes: Making wise choices; building your life on the "rock"; fighting for good
Characters: 5 Length: 10-12 minutes
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Forces of Evil - Drama

Wilson is upset and angered by some bad news his friends, the Langley's, have received.  It seems the Langley's are being sued by a crew member who was doing some work on their roof.  The crewman showed up drunk for work one day, fell off of the roof and sustained some serious injuries. The man is claiming the roof was unstable and that, not his drunkenness, was the reason for his fall.  To top it off, the Langley's learned this was not the first time something like this has happened with this particular work crew--it seems to be a pattern of business but so far, no one has been able legally to "punish" them for their acts. This leads Wilson, and his two teenage neighbors to begin questioning why God allows such evil to take place in the world.

Themes: Why bad things happen to good people; why God allows evil in the world
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Glory Rocks - Comedy

When three friends sit around and do nothing but complain, the surrounding rocks can't take it anymore and decide to cry out.  The rocks point to the scripture that when God's people remain silent, even the rocks will cry out.  When one of the kids points out the fact that they weren't being silent, one of the rocks responds, telling her that sometimes complaining is worse than being silent.  The "glory rocks" as they are called, help the kids see the error of their ways, and give examples of how to be thankful, no matter what the situation. 

Themes: Being thankful in all situations; praising God no matter the circumstances; complaining vs. being thankful
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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God in a Box - Drama

Vicki wants God's help in her life but she wants to tell Him how and when to do His job.  At various stages in her life, God tries to show Vicki all He wants to accomplish for her. He tells her, "I have great plans for you," however, Vicki isn't convinced she wants any part of those plans, especially since they seem to include leaving behind everything she's known.  God assures her this is exactly what she needs in her life but Vicki thinks she knows better.  In response to God's pleas for her to trust him, Vicki places God in a box, ties his hands and puts a "gag" in his mouth. With all the limitations Vicki has placed upon God, she is baffled as to why He doesn't seem to be helping her.  In the end, when God "appears" to be silent, Vicki gets angry, believing the mess she has made of her life is all God's fault.

Themes: The limitations we put on God, prayer, restricting God, God wants the best for us, we can't see the future but God can, trusting God
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Heaven Help Us - Comedy

When a married couple finds themselves in heaven's waiting room, they can't resist taking a peek at that big book sitting on the desk marked "Reservations."  Hoping to find their names in the Book of Life, they are shocked and quite dismayed to find the names of several others whom they would consider less than "saintly."  "How did they get in here?" is the question most on the couple's mind, as they sit, stand, argue, nag and ponder over what it takes to make it to heaven.

Themes: Heaven, forgiveness, judging others, after life
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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I am a Survivor - Comedy

Four contestants are marooned on a tropical island in order to play the t.v. reality show, Survivor.  Each seems to have their own interesting "quirks:" Celeste is obsessed with her looks and can't put down her hand mirror long enough to look at anything else but herself; Marva is a germophobe and hypochondriac who doesn't go anywhere without her first-aid kit; Irwin claims his best friend is a five foot talking green lizard named Fred, whom he just so happened to bring with him to the island; and Joe is a pretty average guy who reads his Bible and trusts God in any situation.  Things on the island are strange enough until a series of events causes Celeste to break her mirror, Fred to run away and Marva to believe she is dying, not to mention the t.v. crew and all their supplies suddenly disappear.  Now it's up to Joe to hold everyone together by letting them know God has not given them a spirit of fear.  Convincing his teammates to trust God in this very odd situation, God comes through in an equally unusual way.

Themes: Fear; trusting God; getting along with others; Survivor television show; things aren't always what they seem; quirky people; obsessions
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Lasso of Truth - Comedy

Doris thinks lying is a despicable habit.  However, unbeknownst to Doris, her family has been lying to her on a regular basis in order to "spare her feelings," and to prove the adage, "what you don't know won't hurt you."   Until now, Doris has believed her husband actually likes her "crunchy" meatloaf; her son never watches the "soapy" show "Desperate Divas," and her daughter would never take anything of hers without permission.  However, today all that is about to change: When Doris wins a bid on e-bay for Wonder Woman's "Lasso of Truth," (a device, that when used, will force people to tell the truth) her family will have to be honest with her, once and for all. Can Doris handle the honest truth and is it true that truth will set you free?

Themes: Truth, lies, lying to spare another's feelings, no good can come from telling lies, truth comes out in the end, honesty is the best policy, secrecy
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Lay Your Burden Down - Drama

Everyone has pressures and struggles in life, as teens Rose, Sarah, Rita and Mickey know very well.  Rose's boyfriend is trying to pressure her into having sex; Sarah is struggling with her grades in school which could mean the loss of a college scholarship; Rita has low self-esteem, and Mickey is a sports playing tomboy whose parents think she should get involved with ballet and scrap booking.  Instead of allowing Jesus to help them with these burdens, the girls choose instead to keep adding to their pack: every time they have a negative thought or a struggle, they add a "burden" (illustrated with heavy objects of your choice) to their already overflowing backpack. It isn't until they come across a girl named Micah who seems not only to be "backpack free" but "burden free" as well.  At the foot of the cross, Micah shows this well-meaning but misguided group of girls how to be truly free.

Themes: Laying our burdens at the cross; carrying heavy loads; giving our burdens to Jesus; dealing with life's problems; the pressures of life; stress
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Leggo the Lingo - Comedy

Mike hasn't seen Larry in awhile so when he runs into him by chance, he strikes up a conversation with him.  The only problem is Larry doesn't understand a word Mike is saying--he can only communicate through confusing text messages, which proves frustrating for Mike who can't comprehend the texts. When a stranger named Lucy comes along, she begins to interpret Larry's messages but this only seems to further infuriate Mike, who doesn't comprehend why a seemingly intelligent person cannot communicate verbally anymore.

Themes: How communication has changed with the addition of things like texting, Facebook, Twitter and other forms of "cyberspace" mediums
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Let Us Pray - Comedy

When Bobby gets sick, his mom calls in a few friends and family members to pray for him so he won't have to go to the doctor.  But Bobby thinks they must know some pretty "weird" people, based on some of the prayers he's been hearing.  One person uses words in a way Bobby can't even understand, another uses this prayer time to complain and make demands on God, and even his own brother treats God like a "surfer dude."  Bobby thinks he may have found help from a family friend, but all she can do is put herself down for not praying enough, and when Bobby's father tries to pray for him, he falls asleep from exhaustion.  Bobby just hopes that someone has the prayer it takes to make him well, and keep him out of the doctor's office.

Themes: Prayer, learning how to pray, prayer for healing
Characters: 8 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Mission Possible - Drama

When Mr. Kline, the youth leader, wants to know what service projects the youth are interested in, the teens begin to whine and complain.  "We've already done a thousand of these," says Luke.  "Can't we do something more fun?" Karen asks.  And Jordan wonders why they have to serve, when "there are plenty of other people who can do it."  Angry and disappointed, Mr. Kline relieves the youth of their "duties" claiming the point would be lost on them anyway.  He adjourns the meeting, too upset to continue.  Left alone, the three teens wonder "What's the big deal?" But then the Mission Possible Leader enters the scene.  She is sent from an "outreach program" of her own (formed by the Big Guy himself) to "help" teens such as this.  Before they know it, each teen is put in a situation that they would have never before thought possible.  Luke ends up feeling the same physical ailments as an elderly man in their neighborhood; Karen gets to see what a poor family's daughter recieves for Christmas; and Jordan finds out what it's like to freeze out on the streets.  In the end, the teens begin to see a different viewpoint when it comes to helping your neighbor and their attitude towards "service" changes drastically. 

Themes: Mission work; community service; helping others in need; volunteer work; God calls us to serve others; outreach programs; Matthew 25
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Modern Day Moses - Comedy

In this modern day version of the story of Moses & the burning bush, Moses is looking at a new stove for his wife at the Home Depot store, and is surprised when it suddenly bursts into flames.  It seems God has been trying to get Moses' attention for awhile but Moses won't sit still and be quiet long enough for Him to do so.  Taking advantage of this opportunity, God appears in the flames and speaks to Moses.  God tells Moses He wants him to be the new Mayor of the city, replacing the greedy and corrupt current Mayor. Moses isn't sure he's the right man for the job but when God assures him he'll never be alone, Moses agrees to take on the daunting task.


Themes: Moses; God speaking to us; God trying to get our attention; God calling us to do His work; being still and quiet before the Lord
Characters: 4 Length: 5-7 minutes
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More to this Life - Drama

Richard's father-in-law is deteriorating under the effects of Alzheimer's disease. Richard is having a hard time coping.  He begins to search for some kind of meaning in life, while his wife and son turn to "aura cleansing" and rubbing magic stones for emotional relief.  Richard thinks they're both nuts, and wants to find peace in something other than the usual life remedies.

Themes: Finding fulfillment, seeking more to life, how to handle a crisis situation, illness
Characters: 3 Length: 4-6 minutes
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My Will or Yours - Drama

Three friends, Kay, Jessica and Leah all face a big decision in their life.  Kay feels God is leading her to open her own business but she is terrified to step out from her comfort zone. Jessica just got engaged but as she is admiring her engagement ring, she feels God telling her she is marrying the wrong man, and that she should wait for the right one to come along.  Leah is dealing with a rebellious older son who is tearing her family apart, and when God tells her to "let him go" Leah is shocked and a bit confused.  God gently reminds her that "her baby" is 19 years old and that it's time he take responsibility for the consequences of his actions.  Throughout the skit, we see how God gently guides each woman and the results of each of their own actions. In the end, all three women realize the importance and the blessings of doing God's will. 

Themes: Doing God's will; making tough choices; listening to God's voice; trusting God; having faith
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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No Weapon Formed - Drama

In three separate situations, it appears "bad" things are happening to good people.  Steve has just gotten fired from his job; someone is spreading rumors that Monica's brother has embezzled her company's cash and she is filing for  bankruptcy; and a week before her wedding, Paula's finacee breaks off their engagement.  In their own way, each person has begun to wonder what's happening and how and why this fits into God's plan for their lives.  But then events begin to happen and suddenly, things don't look as bleak as they initially did.  In the end, each person learns about the power of God, and how "No weapon formed against you shall prosper."

Based on Isaiah 54:17.

Themes: Based on Isaiah 54: No weapon formed against me will prosper; God thwarts the enemies' evil plans; God can make good things happen from bad situations; trusting God
Characters: 8 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Old Testament Reunion - Comedy

Many of the Old Testament characters have gathered together to reminisce about old times, as well as to discover where they are now in life. For instance, Noah builds yachts for the rich and famous; Ruth got her doctorate (Dr. Ruth) and specializes in marriage enrichment; Samson created his own line of hair care products, and it was rumored that Daniel joined the circus to become a lion tamer.  But some characters were missing in action, like Ezekiel who was on a dig in the middle east to excavate dry bones, and Jonah who was on a deep-sea fishing adventure. When someone questions the intelligence of Gideon and how God was ever able to use someone like him, Solomon begins to ponder the idea that it was miraculous God was able to use any of them.  According to Solomon, "None of us were perfect.  We all made mistakes and we all sinned." The point is, he continues, "God still had a plan for us. He had a vision and a purpose for each of us, imperfections, sin and all." It's then the old gang realizes that even though they made mistakes, God loved them (and still does) and saw something worthy in all of them.

Appearances are made by: Adam, Eve, Isaac, Noah, Samson, Ruth, Solomon, Deborah, Gideon, and Daniel.

Themes: Old Testament characters; God has a plan for each of us; God can use us even with our flaws
Characters: 10 Length: 10-15 minutes
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Pass the Fruit - Comedy

When Phyllis placed an ad looking for people who displayed the fruits of the Spirit in their character, she got the perfect applicants: The Fruit of the Loom guys. Insisting there was no difference between Fruit of the Loom and Fruit of the Spirit, Red (the apple) and the others try to prove they are the best candidates for the job.  Phyllis isn't convinced until Madge, another applicant barges into her office.  There was definitely something "different" about Madge, but was she the best person for the job?   

Themes: Fruit of the Spirit, reflecting God's love, exhibiting Godly character, potential, misunderstanding God's word
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Pearls of Wisdom - Comedy

While Red Riding Hood seeks refuge from the big bad wolf who is chasing her, she finds herself in the midst of other fairy tale characters like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty etc. Asking for help, none of the ladies seem to take her situation seriously, since they all seem to have life issues that seem far worse than hers, and are bent on wallowing in self-pity.  Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) is forced to live with a hairy beast herself; Princess Jasmine (Aladdin) has to marry someone she doesn't love; Ariel, the little mermaid, just wants to be human, and the list of woes goes on. Each lady feel unloved, rejected, and cursed, and is therefore doomed to a life of misery.  It isn't until the Fairy Godmother and Godfather appear that the ladies realize they have self-worth and that even though they face struggles now, in the end, things will work out as they should.  Using the example of a pearl, the Godfather illustrates how pain and struggles in life can create something beautiful.

Themes: Self-esteem; self-worth; fairy tales; how God sees us; life's struggles and victories
Characters: 11 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Pretty Woman at the Well - Comedy

This fun, light-hearted melodrama tells the story of the Woman at the Well in a completely new and different way, while at the same time keeping the original theme of acceptance, eternal salvation and love. We first meet our "pretty Woman" as she's drawing water from the well under the hot rays of the midday sun.  Under the ever watchful eye of  the handsome and suave Devil, the Woman is reminded of her "shady" past.  Just as she dreams of her Prince Charming, Jesus appears, although he confesses, "Technically I'm a king - King of Kings."  And so begins what the woman thinks is a "love triangle" - the Prince of Darkness vs. the King of Kings.  However, when Jesus offers her a drink of living water, the woman has no idea what he's referring to. She thinks he's there to be her future husband.  When Jesus reveals he is the Messiah, the Woman is embarrassed and is ready to leave, until Jesus tells her that what he has to offer "is better than any husband."  While the Devil doesn't give up easily, he is no match for the great I Am, and in the end, the Devil's plans are "foiled again!"

Themes: The woman at the well; unconditional love; eternal life; living water; melodrama
Characters: 3 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Removing the Mask - Comedy/Drama

Mike and his wife Holly are new to the community, so when neighbors Roger and Meg throw a block party to introduce them to the neighborhood, Mike is excited, until Holly brings out the "masks" again.  "Can't we just be ourselves?" questions Mike, but Holly is insistent.  Even reassurances from her gracious hosts can't change Holly's mind. She is determined to play the part of the "perfect couple," at least for one evening. Upon seeing Mike and Holly's masks, when block neighbor Frankie enters without his, he quickly turns around and puts it on, receiving baffled looks from the other guests. As the evening progresses, it becomes clear to everyone but Mike, Holly and Frankie how ridiculous the masks make them sound.  That is until Sky, a bold neighbor, shows up and confronts them, asking "What's up with the masks?"  Helping them realize the "safety" of the mask is really a lie, Sky and the others guide Mike, Holly and Frankie into removing their masks, allowing them to experience the freedom and acceptance that comes from being your "true" self.  

Themes: Using masks to conceal our true identity; hiding behind masks; insecurity; fear; fear of rejection; accepting others as they are
Characters: 7 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Ride the Wave - Comedy

When Frank spots a "surfer dude" practicing surfing on the beach, he stops to offer his assistance.  Through their conversation, Frank learns this is the surfer's first time at riding the waves, and doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing.  Frank offers some sound advice, and then learns that life itself is also somewhat like a surfing lesson: we've got to be prepared if we want to succeed.

Themes: Being prepared; life/surfing analogies
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Ring of Value - Comedy

The Ref has opened his boxing ring to those who have something worth fighting for. Or so he thinks.  Instead of injustices being fought for, he finds his contestants fighting over things like who is prettier, who is the most popular or who got the highest score on a video game.  In the end, the Ref throws the contestants out of his ring and tells them to come back when they've got something worth fighting for.

Themes: Fighting for what you believe, shallow values
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Serve to Win the Prize - Comedy

After trying for several hours to serve the Lord, Cody, Max and Daisy feel like giving up.  Without knowing it, they are misunderstanding what it means to "serve the Lord and win the prize:"  Max is serving with a tennis ball and racket in order to win an Xbox; Cody is serving a volleyball in the hopes of winning a 3D tv; and Daisy is attempting to serve people in a restaurant to get front row seats at a concert. After awhile, the boys can barely move their arms, and Daisy keeps dropping plates, getting food all over herself.  None of them think they can keep "serving" at this pace.  It isn't until their friend Jen, clears up the matter, that the group realize what it truly means to "serve the Lord and win the prize."

Themes: Serving God; winning the eternal prize
Characters: 4 Length: 4-6 minutes
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Spud Bowl - Comedy

The annual Spud Bowl football game isn't going too well this year for the Tater family.  Speck Tater won't get off the bench, Agi Tater is stirring up trouble, Hesi Tater runs, stops, then tackles too late (she can't make up her mind), and Dick Tater can't stop telling everyone what to do!  Can this Tater family pull it together in the second half, or will they get fried by the opposing team?

Themes: Personality conflicts, conflict resolution, using your gifts wisely, offensive behaviors, working as a team
Characters: 7 Length: 10-12 minutes
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Stolen Moments - Comedy

Based on Exodus 20:15 "Thou shalt not steal," this skit reflects ideas and ways in which people "steal" without realizing it.  Max Rensen is a normal church going guy, but he wonders what's going on when his guardian angel calls him in to chat about his "thieving" ways.  Max claims he's no thief, until he's reminded of all the times he skipped out on work early while still getting paid, kept the extra change from store clerks, and even the ways he "stole" time from his wife! Max's eyes become opened as he realizes you don't have to steal possessions to be a thief.

Themes: Stealing; ways people don't realize they are stealing; respecting the work place, making the best use of your time
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Taterville - Comedy

The monthly meeting at the Taterville church isn't going too well.  Agi Tater can't stop annoying everyone, Dick Tater won't give up any control, Hesi Tater has trouble speaking her mind, Speck Tater won't speak at all, and Facili Tater is losing control fast! Will this church be able to work out their differences or will chaos rule?

Themes: Personality conflicts, working as a team, offensive behaviors, working with difficult personalities
Characters: 7 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Butterfly Effect - Drama

A woman would love to leave her past behind and make a fresh start  with the love and help of her family. Just when she's made up her mind to do just that, Fear, Judgment, and twins Guilt and Shame are right on her heels convincing her of all the reasons she'll never succeed.  When God calls her on the telephone to see if she's made her final decision, she is so beaten down by her emotions that she doesn't even want to answer the call.  When she finally does, she has all but decided to give up on the possibility of a whole new life, until God convinces her to hang on until He can send someone over to help.  Within seconds, Truth is knocking at her door, ready to shed God's light on her life.

Themes: Transformation; transitions; forgiveness; lies we believe; allowing fears to drag us down; low self-esteem; the truth can set you free; God's goodness; leaving your past behind; new beginnings; fresh starts; a clean slate
Characters: 6 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Cure - Comedy/Drama

Dr. Chase, a hot shot young doctor, implies that her colleague, Dr. Nora, may be too old to continue to practice medicine. But when the Administrator finds fault with some recent case files, the finger seems to be pointed in Dr. Chase's direction.  It seems Dr. Chase was so eager to cure the symptoms, she often overlooked the underlying cause of the symptoms. For instance, what should have been a simple prescription for Mother-in-Law-itis (when the mother-in-law overstays her welcome) turned into a trip to a heart specialist, a bone doctor and enrollment in an anger management program.  It seems "book smarts" isn't the same as life experience, and sometimes you have to look past the symptoms in order to find the cure.  Therfore, the Administrator assigns Dr. Nora to a be a medical mentor for Dr. Chase to help teach her what the medical books can't.  However, both doctors realize they have a lot to learn when a friend of Dr. Nora's shows up for an exam and is diagnosed with a terminal illness called Mask disease: hiding behind a mask so others won't find out about your past or who you really are. In the end, both doctors wonder why it took them so long to find a cure for the disease and speculate on whether or not it's too late to help Dr. Nora's friend.  

This skit uses the medical field as a metaphor for sin and spiritual healing.  It reminds us that we all have problems, we all need each other, and that spiritual healing can only happen if we are open and honest with ourselves and others.

Themes: Healing past hurts; judging others; supporting one another; mentoring; never too old or young to learn something new; reaching out to help others; hiding behind masks; exposing sin; redemption
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Empty Chair - Drama

Using the game "Musical Chairs," this skit illustrates how church may sometimes seem uncomfortable to new Christians or non-believers.  Especially for the non-believer, it may feel like there is no room for him inside the church or no place that he fits in.  The characters in this skit show how "the system" should work and how to keep new people once they've brought them in.

Themes: Making room for non-believers within the church; mentoring young Christians
Characters: 8 Length: 3-5 minutes
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The Fallen - Drama

Jack and Gwen are late for a meeting.  On the way there, they blame each other and once inside the meeting, they continue airing out their "dirty laundry."  They argue over how each other looks and how long it takes for each of them to get ready when leaving the house.  They argue over money, workloads, hobbies and even sex.  Their arguments escalate, until the couple realizes they are in a room full of people who are listening to their every word.  Embarrassed, Gwen storms out of the meeting, with Jack tagging behind her.  In her haste, Gwen falls and hurts her ankle, causing she and Jack to share a few tender moments.  In the end, they realize where their behavior has brought them, and resolve to do better at thinking of the other's needs, as well as to hit their knees in prayer over their marriage relationship.

Themes: Conflict in marriage; placing blame; overlooking your own faults but pointing out someone else's; marriage enrichment; putting your mate's needs ahead of your own; selfishness
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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The Greatness of God - Comedy/Drama

Mike is a reporter in search of the answer to a simple question: What makes God great?  To help him find out, Mike has assembled 4 of the top minds from a leading university.  The only problem is neither of them can agree.  Celeste believes God's greatness lies in his artistry, while Edward believes it has nothing to do with art but rather logic.  Aurora thinks it's His flair for the dramatic that makes God so great but Diane thinks they're all wrong and believes it is God's empathy and psychological abilities that make Him great.  This group of "experts" begin to argue amongst themselves until in the end, Mike realizes that perhaps what makes God so great is His ability to be all things, to all people. And then some.

Themes: What makes God great; how each person interprets the greatness of God; how God relates to us in ways we can understand; each person see different aspects of God
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Little Princess - Comedy

Jewel Phillips just knows she is a princess.  After all, her father is a king! Dressed in a tiara and feather boa, Jewel sure dresses the part, but tomboys Alex (Alexandria) and Myra aren't too convinced.  They think Jewel is a bit bonkers, considering her father really works at the local hardware store--there's no royal palace in sight!  But when Princess Olivia and Princess Gwen show up Jewel thinks she's found her long lost relatives. Alex and Myra remain skeptical until they learn that they too may be royalty, much to the dismay of Jewel.  Each girl then learns the true meaning of being a daughter of the "King of Kings," which has nothing to do with how you look but everything to do with God creating each one of us to be special and unique.

Themes: Our uniqueness; being special in God's eyes; self-esteem; accepting others as they are; we're all beautiful in God's eyes; God's princesses
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Prodigal - Drama

A serious but touching drama about life after emotional pain.  When Carol moved away from her family and home town, she thought life would be perfect.  But 3 years later she's back, admitting the choices she made along the way weren't necessarily healthy.  She asks for forgiveness and admits she needs help, but is concerned her family gave up on her a long time ago.  When she shows up on the doorstep of her brother, Carol finds the courage to face her past and hopefully, a new future.

Themes: Making mistakes, wrong choices, forgiveness, coming home again, internal conflicts, healing after hurting, learning life's lessons the hard way
Characters: 3 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Solid Rock - Comedy

No sooner has Lisa made a decision to accept God into her heart than two evil villains, Two Face (a liar) and Dark Vader (fear) show up.  Not only do they challenge Lisa and her friend, Meg to battle but they also claim they can destroy the Solid Rock on which their trust is placed.  By telling lies and producing fear in the girls, the villains feel their victory is sealed.  However, when Truthmeister and Prayer Warrior appear, the villains easy victory is thwarted.  Truthmeister points out all the flaws in Two Face's lies, and Prayer Warrior gives the girls plenty of ammunition full of strength and protection.  Through battle, the girls learn that nothing, nothing can destroy the Solid Rock and God's love for us.  

Themes: God, the Solid Rock; good vs. evil; God's power vs. evil forces; nothing can change God's love for us; salvation
Characters: 6 Length: 10-12 minutes
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The Transformation Station - Comedy

When Matt only partially overhears a conversation of the church leaders regarding the scripture in Romans 12, he incorrectly interprets what is said. He begins telling people if they don't change everything about themselves and transform into something completely different before school starts, as well as pass some kind of transformation test, God is going to offer them up as a living sacrifice by torturing them. The characters humorously begin to change into something they are not, until Polly comes along and sets the record the straight on what real spiritual transformation is, along with how to use our talents to help each other.

Themes: Romans 12; being spiritually transformed; using the talents God gave us; misinterpreting scripture: back to school
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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This is Your Life - Comedy

A married couple finds themselves in heaven, and is immediately greeted by an angel who is waiting to give them their final rewards.  The angel tells them their heavenly rewards are based on the service they did on Earth.  It seems the husband, Frank has been volunteering and serving God in a variety of ways.  When the angel hands him his "keys to the kingdom," his wife is thrilled because she incorrectly assumes that since they are married, what's his is hers.  However, it is not so in heaven. The wife is dismayed to discover that not only did she do very little on Earth, but she will now be forced to work in heaven before she can claim her own rest and rewards.

Themes: Service; volunteering; heaven, good deeds; rewards in heaven
Characters: 3 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Through the Wringer - Comedy

Pinky and Stretch have been hanging in Penelope's closet for years, but newcomer Glamour isn't so sure she wants to be there.  Glamour hides behind the other clothes in the closet for fear she might get chosen to be worn, and therefore get "dirty."  Her biggest fear is facing the washer and dryer, and the dreaded iron:  she's not sure she has what it takes to survive the heat.  With a little help from Pinky and Stretch, Glamour learns to embrace her fears and to fulfill her destiny. 

This skit illustrates that we are God's chosen people, but that along our journey we will encounter and participate in sin.  Because of God's love for us, he washes us clean, helps us own up to our mistakes by applying "heat" and irons out our "wrinkles," making us new creatures.

Themes: Cleansing of sins; working for God; the process of purification; "God's Laundromat;" hiding from God; the difficult times; fear; answering God's call; God's love for us; new creatures in Christ
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Tree of Life - Comedy

It's a beautiful day and the scene is set for a delightful picnic until Louise and her cousin, Mary, who happens to be afraid of trees, appear.  When Mary begins to flip out, the ladies don't know what to do, especially after Mary tells them of a haunting childhood experience involving a child-eating tree in a movie.  As one character puts it,  "You do realize that was just a movie, right?  I mean, as a rule, you generally don.t see that kind of behavior in trees." But with the help of her new friends, and a few life lessons, Mary soon learns trees are a fun, useful and valuable gift from God and are nothing to fear. After all, only God can make a tree.

Themes: Conquering fear, seasons of life, God provides for our needs, trees, Arbor Day
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Trust Then Obey - Comedy

Mom and Pop, owners of "Pop's Pizza Barn", are disappointed when their idea of a restaurant in a barn doesn't quite work out.  After months of very few customers, Mom and Pop feel it's time to throw in the towel and quit.  However, their kids don't quite agree.  When Sam and Kara start hearing a mysterious "voice" no one else can hear, they believe it belongs to God, and they think He's telling them not to close up shop.  Mom and Pop remain unconvinced, so the kids turn to their Italian baker, Luigi, for help who believes them and begins preparing the pizza.  When Pop begins smelling the pizza baking, he is furious, until a stranger walks into the restaurant.  Turns out, he's a famous country singer, who's tour bus broke down nearby, and wants his "crew" to hang out at the restaurant, eat lots of pizzas and perform a few songs.  Finally, Pop understands what his kids and Luigi have been trying to tell him:  "Trust in the Lord with your whole heart..."

Themes: Trusting in God; Proverbs 3:5,6 (Trust in the Lord with all your heart...; obeying God; hearing God's voice
Characters: 7 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Way Down in my Heart - Comedy

This is a "female" version of my skit "Deep in My Heart."  It is similar in content, however it deals with issues more appealing to women. Paula has lost her joy and can't seem to find it anywhere.  She's looked in the refrigerator, near her  famous cheesecake; in the closet, where her brand new Donna Karen designer coat hangs; and even inside her cute little shoes!  But no matter where Paula looks, her joy is nowhere to be found.  Not even a call to the 911 operator can help her.  After all else fails, Paula finally looks in the least likely of places and discovers her joy wasn't missing at all, just misplaced.

Themes: Joy, happiness, contentment
Characters: 3 Length: 5-8 minutes
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What's the Difference - Comedy/Drama

Lucifer and his Chief demon prepare for a monthly status meeting.  Things appear to be going well for Lucifer's kingdom, as we see firsthand the negative effects in the life of teens when they have no one who really cares for them.  But uh-oh, there's dissention in the ranks when one church decides to "mentor" a young woman.  Now, Lucifer's plans may crumble, unless he can counter-act the good will of those "Jesus Freaks."

Themes: Helping others, reaching out, witnessing, evangelism, teen issues, caring, Satan's tactics
Characters: 6 Length: 8-10 minutes
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When No One is Watching - Comedy

"I've got a surprise for you," are the six little words that will soon change the lives of three teenage girls.  It seems this small youth group has been studying about the various aspects of love, including the Biblical command, "Love they neighbor as thyself."  So, when their youth group leader announces that the hunky actor and avid charity worker, Chett Adkins, is sponsoring an essay contest about what love means, the girls jump at the chance to win the grand prize: a week spent touring with Chett, working on various charity projects.    It seems the girls have everything under control until Jane, a newcomer who is slightly "different" shows up.  Now, the girls are being put to the real test to see just how far they can show love to this new "neighbor." 

Themes: Love your neighbor; kindness; compassion; who are you when no one is looking; God's chosen people
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Who Do You Trust - Comedy

Welcome to our version of "The Dating Game," where who you trust makes all the difference.  The audience recognizes our 3 panelists as Satan, God and Your Inner Child, but the two contestants haven't got a clue!  Who's advice will the contestants follow and what kind of fun and fabulous prizes await them?  Find out, when you play, "Who Do You Trust?"

Themes: Trust, faith, Satan's lies, obedience, choices, consequences of actions
Characters: 6 Length: 15-20 minutes
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Working Until Jesus Comes - Comedy

Lisa is a young girl searching through the "want ads" to find a job because she wants to work for Jesus. When her mother learns of this, she realizes Lisa is misunderstanding what the phrase means.  To help her understand, the mom gives Lisa three separate illustrations and asks Lisa to pick out which people in the stories she feels were showing love to others and helping them, which Lisa learns is really the definition of "working for Jesus."

Themes: Working for Jesus; Helping others; Not being selfish
Characters: 9 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Black History Month
(23 Skits)
Dreams Begin with DreamersThe impact of the dreamers in our history
PersevereObama speaks to Mandela and Marting Luther King
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
Hair We Go AgainMadam C.J. Walker's hair care beginnings
Night WatchLincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation
Color My WorldChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Color My World at SchoolChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Peanut GalleryGeorge Wshington Carver & the peanut
Unforgettable OA fun tribute to Oprah Winfrey
This Means WarCivil War statues come to life in a museum
Use Me UpA tribute to the life work of Oprah Winfrey
ReminiscingAfrican American icons reflect on their lives
Name that ContributorA guessing game of Black History
Call to WorshipWorship during slavery
Thrill RideAppreciation for Michael Jackson's life work
Going UnderA slave family escapes to freedom
Symbols of FreedomVarious voices in black history
FulfillmentPast meets present
Invention ConnectionAfrican American Inventors
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
GenerationsChanges in black history
The Seat of her PantsRosa Parks
The Future is HistoryContributions to Black History
Marthin Luther King Jr. Day
(3 Skits)
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
FulfillmentPast meets present
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
Valentine's Day
(17 Skits)
Oh, the Places You Can GoA young couple analyzes their future together
Hillbilly LoveOpposites attract
The Perfect BlendComparisons of marraige to a good cup of coffee
My ValentineFour children learn about sharing God's love
Pretty Woman at the WellMelodrama about the woman at the well
Sweet AdelineA woman wants more romance from her husband
Games People PlayA couple manipulate each other to get their way
Seasonal ConceptsEvery marriage experiences ups and downs
Cupid's ArrowA husband and wife switch roles
Would You Be MineCompromise in relationships
Classic MilesMaintaining your relationship
God's ValentineGod's Love
Light My FireRekindling the romance
Looking for LoveDefining Love
I Love You, ButMarriage relationships
Love Me TenderMeeting each other's needs
How Do I Love TheeGod's Love