Easter Skits

Easter Skits


17 skits found

A Knight's Tale - Drama

This is a tale of God's love and loosely parallels the story of Jesus death and resurrection as well as the forgiveness we are given as God's child.  Told in a "fairy tale" manner, it is a good reminder for all ages of God's gift of salvation and forgiveness.

King Edward Maubry and his daughter, Princess Audra, live happily in the Kingdom of Templar.  Everything a princess could want is within the her father's realm.  The only rule that must be obeyed is to stay within the boundaries of the kingdom, for only mischief and evil reside outside the king's land.  When Audra begins to question her father's rule she is warned that only separation and heartache will follow her but she is also told she is not a prisoner within the kingdom and she is free to leave as she chooses.  Although Audra was tempted to leave, she abided by her father's rule.  That is, until one day Audra hears a soft and gentle voice coming from the castle courtyard.  A man appears who seems kind (but who is really a fire breathing dragon in disguise) convinces Audra to leave the boundaries of the kingdom.  She soon learns that no freedom comes without a high price.

Themes: Forgiveness; God's love; Salvation; God's protection; Obedience; Jesus' sacrifice, parallels death & ressurection
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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All You Need - Comedy/Drama

Jill is lonely and distraught after her longtime boyfriend, who she thought was going to propose, dumps her instead.  As a way to fulfill the emptiness she feels inside, she turns to online chat rooms and the Home Shopping Network, where she orders every item she sees. When her friend, Renee, shows up "calling" Jill on her recent destructive behavior, Jill doesn't want to hear any of it.  Instead, she keeps right on buying smoothie machines and chin stretchers, and chatting online with new men, hoping to build her damaged self-esteem.  All the while, Jesus talks tenderly to Jill, hoping to lure her from her destructive patterns and into his arms, proving once and for all, Jesus is all she really needs.  

Themes: Easter; Looking to people and material items to fulfill things that only Jesus was meant to fill; the idea that all we really need is Jesus in our life; Jesus fulfills and completes us & is the only one who can
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Dear Jesus - Drama

Ted and Jill and have given a mysterious, priceless box.  They don't know why the box was given to them or what it contains, but they do know it's very heavy.  Imagine their surprise when they open the box to discover it's empty.  Or is it?  When Jill puts her hand in the box she can feel something in there but still can't see anything.  It sounds impossible, but the situation becomes more so when Jill and Ted begin pulling letters out of the box that date all the way back to Jesus era!  They find letters from Jarius, who's daughter he thought dead, the women who touched the hem of Jesus' garment, the adulteress woman who was about to be stoned and even from Mary, Jesus' mother.  Each letter contains some kind of sentiment on what their life would have been like had Jesus not been a part of it.  More current letters also appear as we hear from a little girl afraid of the dark, a grieving husband and a prison inmate convicted of murder.  In the end, Ted and Jill are reminded of their own life and what it would mean if Jesus weren't a part of it.  

Themes: Where would we be without Jesus, Jesus is always there for us, Jesus as a friend, comforter, healer etc., the difference Jesus can make in our lives
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Down from the Cross - Comedy/Drama

It's Easter, and the decorating committee is preparing for the annual service. According to the committee, "We can't make the stage look too cheerful."....Easter is "a terrible, awful time when Jesus suffered and died. It's full of pain and misery. There's nothing happy about it."  However, when Jesus makes a surprise appearance, he doesn't like the focus of the day. He can't understand why everyone wants to focus on his pain and suffering, instead of celebrating his life and victory over death.  The ladies of the committee try to convince Jesus to get back up on the cross but he tells them the suffering is over and that he came down from the cross a long time ago.  He'd rather focus on his relationship with them now.  But they aren't buying it, and even the Pastor agrees.  He tells Jesus that if he doesn't get back on the cross, he's going to ruin the whole service! Jesus wonders if everyone has "gone mad" and asks "Doesn't anyone care that I'm alive?" It doesn't appear so, until a little girl sees him. Finally, it takes the eyes of a child to see Jesus as he really is and to recognize what Easter is truly about.

Themes: Easter; Jesus' death and resurrection; celebrating Jesus life and all he does for us; seeing things through the eyes of a child
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Faces at the Cross - Drama

The crucifixion of Jesus evokes different emotions from different people, even for those who were present at the time of  Jesus' death.  This skit explores what some of those people might have been feeling:  the Chief Priests mocked Jesus and felt justice had been served; one thief on the cross next to Jesus felt remorse, while the other thought only of himself; Mary Magdalene and John struggled with the meaning of it all; Jesus' mother Mary trusted that God had a plan for her son, even in his death; and Lucifer and his Chief Demon Baylock, rejoiced and claimed victory. The end of the skit shows Mary Magdalene discovering Jesus has risen from the dead, much to the dismay of Lucifer. 

Themes: Easter; the Crucifixion; Viewpoints from the those present at the crucifixion; God's will
Characters: 11 Length: 5-8 minutes
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He Has Risen - Drama

This skit picks up soon after the crucifixion of Jesus, and is told through the eyes of John, the beloved disciple.  John and Peter are contemplating how such a tragic event could have happened and why Jesus didn't stop it, even though he had the power to do so.  In the midst of their discussion, Mary Magdalene rushes in claiming Jesus is not in the tomb.  Later, we discover Jesus has risen from the grave, and he appears to Mary and the other disciples.  He talks to them of how he will send a comforter and that they should preach and teach in his name.  In the end, Jesus makes his ascension to heaven.

Themes: Easter, the resurrection, Jesus is alive, the tomb is empty
Characters: 5 Length: 4-5 minutes
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Hope at the Cross - Drama

Five people come to the foot of the cross, each struggling with a different problem:  a teen girl is looking for love in the wrong places; an old man misses his wife who has passed away; a young man regrets some bad decisions, which led to a drunken accident; a woman feels the heartache of dealing with a mother who has Alzheimer's; and a man struggles with his addiction to gambling. But when Jesus enters the picture, he removes each of their struggles and replaces them with words of comfort, love, freedom and forgiveness, reminding all of them that there is hope at the cross.

Themes: Easter; Leaving our problems at the cross; Jesus came to heal a hurting world; no burden is too heavy for Jesus; people who are hurting
Characters: 7 Length: 5-8 minutes
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I Am - Drama

Satan has accused 3 individuals and has brought them before God for trial - he plans to condemn each one for their various sins and sentence them to death.  The accused are: a married woman who had an affair, a man with a severe gambling problem, and a woman who left a young girl paralyzed after a drunken accident. After his interrogation, Satan believes he has enough to "convict" each person, and begins to celebrate his victory.  That is, until Jesus shows up, reminding Satan that "anyone who believes in me, though he were dead, shall not perish but have eternal life." Jesus reminds us of why he came, and saves the souls of the accused, setting them free.

There is an option at the end of the skit to sing or play a song of your choice.  While any appropriate song would work here, the author recommends "I Am," by Mark Schultz.

Themes: Easter; judgment; "paying" for your sins; Jesus' love and forgiveness; being set free; Jesus paid our debt; Satan is the accuser
Characters: 9 Length: 5-8 minutes
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In His Own Words - Drama

In a monologue written especially for kids (or for those new to the faith), Jesus speaks about why he was sent to Earth, why he died and why he rose again.  According to Jesus, God had a special plan in mind for him all along.  In many ways, Jesus is a lot like each one of us, and in many ways, he's not.  He was sent here to teach the world about his heavenly father, God, and to take on the sins of the world, even though he was innocent. And although there are elements of sadness in the story of Jesus' death, in this skit, Jesus wants us to focus on the resurrection, and the hope for eternal life that it brings.

This skit is told in a simple, touching, and sincere way that kids will easily understand and relate to.

Themes: Easter; Jesus death and resurrection; heaven; John 3:16
Characters: 1 Length: 5-8 minutes
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It is Finished - Drama

This skit picks up as Jesus is entering Jerusalem and the people are waving palm branches at him. The story is told through the eyes of John, the beloved disciple.  As Jesus nears Jerusalem the people are greatly anticipating his arrival, waving palm branches and calling him the "deliverer" and "King Jesus."  But not everyone is happy at Jesus' arrival: the Pharisees see how easily Jesus leads the people and develop a plot to kill him. When Jesus tells of one who will soon betray him, John can't believe it, until he sees it with his own eyes.  Soon, the Pharisees enter the garden where Jesus was praying, and arrest him.  John describes the scene at the foot of the cross, as he wonders how such a thing could have happened to his friend and teacher, not knowing that the best was yet to come.


Themes: Palm Sunday, Easter, the crucifixion, the betrayal of Judas
Characters: 8 Length: 4-5 minutes
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Lent is Spent - Comedy

When a Pastor challenges people to "take on" things for Lent season, it causes some confusion and wonderment for a little girl named Sally. She's not sure what she's supposed to do, since she is so used to giving things up for Lent.  Her friend Pete thinks he can help and suggests ways to clean out her belly button, confusing "Lent" with "lint."  When Pete finally gets the concept, he begins offering some good ideas, but it seems his ideas tend to help himself more than anyone else.  When Sally points this out, Pete admits "taking on" things is hard, and wonders if the Pastor considered this before he suggested it.  The discussion briefly turns to what Jesus took on for us (our sins) and then how he gave his life so we could live forever in heaven. In the end, Pete and some other friends find ways to truly help others and make some changes in their attitudes, grasping the concept the Pastor originally intended.

Themes: Easter; Lent; thinking of others; community service,
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Love Will Find a Way - Drama

Abigail asks Jesus for an interview not long after his crucifixion and miraculous resurrection, right before his ascension into heaven.  She feels the people, including herself, need to understand the emotions Jesus underwent during the most difficult period in his life.  As she recounts the events that happened, Jesus is candid and honest about what he experienced, ranging from the grief he felt at being betrayed to the joy of his resurrection. Abigail is baffled as to why Jesus would do these things willingly, but in the end she finally understands that through it all, his love was the driving force.

Themes: Easter, love, sacrifice, the cost and rewards of loving others, why Jesus died for us, forgiveness, the crucifixion, the resurrection, emotional tolls
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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More Than a Chocolate Cross - Comedy/Drama

Gail and Josh have always like Easter: Peter Cottontail, coloring eggs and the baskets full of candy...and they can't wait for this year's big Easter egg hunt in the park, which is supposed to be bigger and better than ever.  However, when they meet up with their friends, Ray and June, and start to see the holiday from their perspective, Easter begins to take on a whole new meaning. 

Themes: Easter; the real meaning of Easter; Jesus died for our sins
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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The Accused - Drama

Who is to blame for the crucifixion of Jesus?  Five characters stand ready to accuse each other, each claiming they are not to blame.  Loosely based on Biblical characters such as Peter, Pilate, Judas, and the Chief Priests, these characters are the "Everyman," and could easily be any one of us.  Each character feels someone else is to blame, when in fact they all had their hand in sending Jesus to the cross.  In the end, the characters and the audience as well, come to realize we are all to blame; however, none of us stand accused, since Jesus willingly died for each one of us out of love.

Themes: Easter, reasons Jesus died on the cross, accusing one another of sin, the love Jesus has for us, the crucifixion, we all sin and are all to blame for Jesus' death
Characters: 5 Length: 3-5 minutes
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The Painting - Comedy

A woman is in an art gallery and discovers a painting she wants to buy.  While seeing the price has already been paid and the painting is free, she becomes insistent on paying for the painting anyway--she can't comprehend the painting is free.  This illustrates how some people cannot accept Jesus' sacrifice of love.

Themes: Salvation, freedom, Jesus paid the price for our sin, acceptance
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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What Jesus Did for Me - Comedy/Drama

A children's Sunday School teacher wants to teach the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and she feels the best way is to "show" them, by allowing them to act out various parts of the Easter story.  For one boy in particular, he learns how difficult it must have been for Jesus, and how much God loved us to allow His only son to go through such a horrible experience. But in the end, the focus is on the resurrection and the idea that there is hope for us to live forever in heaven because of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.

Themes: Easter; Jesus death and resurrection
Characters: 7 Length: 8-10 minutes
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With this Cup - Comedy/Drama

All of the disciples have gathered in the upper room as Jesus has instructed them to do, but none of them knows why they are there.  After a bit of fun and fellowship, Jesus begins to explain what is about to happen to him regarding his crucifixion and resurrection.  He knows the disciples won't understand, but he feels the need to try to explain anyway. 

This skit was originally written for children, so they could get a glimpse of what communion means and see an example of it through the skit.

Themes: Communion; the last supper; Jesus friendship with the disciples
Characters: 15 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Back to School
(2 Skits)
The Transformation StationKids learn how to be spiritually transformed
Back To SchoolThe disciples go back to school
Harvest Themes
(4 Skits)
Seeds of the HarvestSeeds who won't wait to be planted properly
Harvest MooPlants and animals argue over their importance
A Harvest TaleReaping what you sow
The HarvestMuch work to be done but few workers
(5 Skits)
Deception at my DoorA group of evil spirits invade a woman's home
Garbage In, Garbage OutWhat goes in your mind comes out in your actions
The Devil Ain't Happy with this HalloweenUsing Halloween for God
Trick or TreatFinding alternatives to Halloween
Fear Pays A VisitHow fear invades & destroys our lives
Thanksgiving/ Blessings
(12 Skits)
Enter Into His GatesA fun take on thankfulness and Psalm 100
Ingratitude SyndromeA man is diagnosed with negativity and ingratitude
Glory RocksSeveral kids sit around complaining
Thanksgiving StuffingBeing hungry for God's word
Thanksgiving PoliceBeing thankful in all things big or small
A Thankful Heart WishA girl learns to be thankful
Doubly BlessedGiving and receiving blessings
Fill My CupBlessings from God
A Grateful HeartDeveloping an attitude of thankfulness
Hark on the ArkThankfulness on the ark
Showers of BlessingsBlessings from God are misinterpreted
Way Down in my HeartTrue joy
Pastor Appreciation
(3 Skits)
Jack of All TradesA seminary student job shadows a pastor for a day
Search CommitteeOld Testament folks search for a new pastor
I've Got a SecretAll the things pastors do
(17 Skits)
Reporting from BethlehemA reporter tries to get the scoop on baby Jesus
A Modern Day BirthWhat if Jesus had been born in today's world?
The Christmas AdditionTraditions clash when old decor meets the nativity
Operation GrinchTeens learn Christmas isn't just about presents
The Ginger Man's ChristmasA gingerbread man comes to life & spreads cheer.
Gathering of AngelsAngels need to tell humans about Jesus birth
If There Was No JesusWhat if Jesus was never born
Love is the Greatest GiftHoliday characters learn why love is the best gift
Room with a ViewJesus birth from the animal's perspective
A Manger SceneThe traditional story told with a bit of humor
The Greatest Gift of AllThe real reason for Christmas
The Popularity ContestIs there room for Santa and Jesus?
Christ in ChristmasActivities done in the spirit of Christmas
Hark on the ArkThankfulness on the ark
Shine OnJesus Light Shining in us
I'm So BlueBeing special in God's eyes
Traditional ValuesCompromise and uniting as one
Women's Ministry
(37 Skits) Issues women face
A Shining StarBeing a good witness and shining like the stars
Through the YearsTwo friends reminisce about their friendship
Pearls of WisdomFairy tale characters learn about self-worth
When I Was LittleFour generations of women share memories
Pretty Woman at the WellMelodrama about the woman at the well
My Will or YoursThree women wrestle with doing the will of God
Beautiful YouTwo women have a distorted view of beauty.
Flower PowerWilting flowers find refuge in a Garden Paradise
The CureTwo doctors find the cure to healing past wounds
Baggage ClaimA woman carries baggage from her past
And Then There Were ThreeCelebrating women's friendship
The Family QuiltCamparisons of a quilt to a family
Stepping OutStepping out of comfort zones
Mommy Training CampA man wants to enroll in a training camp for moms
These Shoes Were Made for WalkingThe Walk of Life
Doubly BlessedGiving and receiving blessings
Fill My CupBlessings from God
Stepping StonesWomen in fellowship with one another
All You NeedJesus is all we need in life
Cruisin' and Losin'To have a friend you need to be a friend
FootprintsWitnessing/Being an example to others
Loyal to the EndFriendship and loyalty
A Grateful HeartDeveloping an attitude of thankfulness
Loyal FriendsFriendship and loyalty
Face Your GiantHandling difficult situations
Showers of BlessingsBlessings from God are misinterpreted
Spring Has SprungSpiritual Spring Cleaning
The Butterfly EffectSpiritual Transformation
Goodness and GraceMisunderstanding of God's grace
Way Down in my HeartTrue joy
Skeletons in the ClosetSecret Sin
Through the WringerCleansing of sins
911Losing your identity after having children
HatsThe roles of motherhood
A Friend IndeedTo have a friend you need to be a friend
Mirror, MirrorThe way we see ourselves
Working it OutSelf-esteem