Halloween Skits

Halloween Skits


5 skits found

Deception at my Door - Comedy

Gossip, Anger and Envy are on their first assignment to "tear down" a woman named Jane.  One by one, they knock on her door asking her to let them come in.  She resists at first, recognizing them for what they are.  However, when Satan comes to check on his "minions" he tells them they have to use a disguise if they want to get "in," saying if humans are unaware of who you really are, "they will welcome you in with open arms."  When the trio comes back disguised as a Prayer Warrior, Love, and Success, Jane does exactly as Satan had predicted: she welcomed them in.  It doesn't take long for Jane to begin succumbing to an "evil" way of thinking, and the trio is happy until Jesus shows up, knocking on the door, requesting some private time with Jane.  The demons begin to tremble as Jesus reveals who they really are, and Jane finally realizes the only voice she must be tuned into belongs to Jesus. 

Themes: Deceiving spirits; not giving the devil a foothold; Knowing the voice of Jesus; Getting rid of evil spirits; Halloween
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Fear Pays A Visit - Monologue

This is a monologue personifying Fear.  Fear is portrayed as a person, talking to the audience, telling them how many times he (or she) has been with them: particularly in situations they may have never considered before.  However, this is not obvious to the audience at the beginning.  As the skit develops, the audience begins to "catch on," until Fear finally reveals himself near the end.

Themes: Fear, thought patterns, how the enemy works, Satan, strongholds
Characters: 1 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Garbage In, Garbage Out - Comedy

Somehow, teenage girl Holly has talked her friend Vanessa into watching a scary horror flick, and now, frightened and upset, Vanessa regrets it.  While Vanessa is nearly scared to death, Holly claims she isn't bothered by such things.  That is, until several eerie events begin to occur:  the phone continues to ring even though the cord has obviously been severed; odd creaking noises are heard coming from the attic; an axe is found in the living room; random slow knocking is heard at the front door; and a man in a Friday the 13th mask slowly opens the door.  The girls have convinced themselves a serial killer is on the loose and that they will soon be chopped to bits! However, when the masked man turns out to be Holly's brother home from his hockey game, the girls quickly learn there is a simple and non-threatening explanation for all the occurrences that have taken place that evening.  In the end, the girls learn that what you put into your mind will ultimately affect your thoughts and actions. 

Themes: Think only on pure or good things; what you put into your mind affects your actions; the effects of watching scary movies; Halloween
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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The Devil Ain't Happy with this Halloween - Comedy/Drama

Fran has vowed never to let her children participate in Halloween but this year a friend of hers is sharing some unusual views about the "evil" holiday.  Barb and her family have been trying to change the "spirit" of Halloween in her neighborhood for the last few years, and it seems to be catching on.  Instead of witches and goblins, creepy and scary, Barb and her family have opted to be the "friendliest house in town."  Not only that, they've begun to silently witness for God by showing traits of friendship, service and kindness to all those who come to their door. They provide hot chocolate on chilly evenings, park benches for parents to sit on and much more.  Now, the whole neighborhood is catching this new Halloween fever!  Can it really be true that God can even use something like Halloween to reach His people?  Barb seems to think so, because as the old saying goes, "the proof is in the pudding."

Themes: Halloween; using Halloween as a witness for God; alternatives to celebrating Halloween in the usual way; changing the atmosphere of Halloween
Characters: 3 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Trick or Treat - Comedy

When two teens express remorse over past Halloween "pranks," they decide not to participate in any future Halloween endeavors.  However, it won't be so easy to convince their other friends to do the same, especially since one of them seems to enjoy Halloween a little "too much."  Even if the friends can be convinced, is there any "fun" way to celebrate Halloween?

Themes: Halloween, alternatives to celebrating Halloween, origins of Halloween, remorse
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Black History Month
(23 Skits)
Dreams Begin with DreamersThe impact of the dreamers in our history
PersevereObama speaks to Mandela and Marting Luther King
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
Hair We Go AgainMadam C.J. Walker's hair care beginnings
Night WatchLincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation
Color My WorldChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Color My World at SchoolChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Peanut GalleryGeorge Wshington Carver & the peanut
Unforgettable OA fun tribute to Oprah Winfrey
This Means WarCivil War statues come to life in a museum
Use Me UpA tribute to the life work of Oprah Winfrey
ReminiscingAfrican American icons reflect on their lives
Name that ContributorA guessing game of Black History
Call to WorshipWorship during slavery
Thrill RideAppreciation for Michael Jackson's life work
Going UnderA slave family escapes to freedom
Symbols of FreedomVarious voices in black history
FulfillmentPast meets present
Invention ConnectionAfrican American Inventors
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
GenerationsChanges in black history
The Seat of her PantsRosa Parks
The Future is HistoryContributions to Black History
Valentine's Day
(17 Skits)
Oh, the Places You Can GoA young couple analyzes their future together
Hillbilly LoveOpposites attract
The Perfect BlendComparisons of marraige to a good cup of coffee
My ValentineFour children learn about sharing God's love
Pretty Woman at the WellMelodrama about the woman at the well
Sweet AdelineA woman wants more romance from her husband
Games People PlayA couple manipulate each other to get their way
Seasonal ConceptsEvery marriage experiences ups and downs
Cupid's ArrowA husband and wife switch roles
Would You Be MineCompromise in relationships
Classic MilesMaintaining your relationship
God's ValentineGod's Love
Light My FireRekindling the romance
Looking for LoveDefining Love
I Love You, ButMarriage relationships
Love Me TenderMeeting each other's needs
How Do I Love TheeGod's Love
(17 Skits)
Faces at the CrossViewpoints from those present at the crucifixion
I AmSatan accuses, Jesus forgives & sets free
Lent is SpentA new concept for Lent
More Than a Chocolate CrossKids learn the real meaning of Easter
What Jesus Did for MeKids act out the death and resurrection of Jesus
In His Own WordsJesus talks about his death and resurrection
Down from the CrossJesus wants to celebrate his life, not his death
Hope at the CrossHurting people find hope at the cross
With this CupJesus and his disciples at the last supper
He Has RisenThe ressurection of Jesus
It is FinishedPalm day celebration leading to the crucifixion
A Knight's TaleSalvation & Forgiveness of sins
All You NeedJesus is all we need in life
Dear JesusThe difference Jesus makes in our lives
The AccusedCasting blame for the crucifixion
Love Will Find a WayThe agony of Jesus sacrifice
The PaintingSalvation
Mother's Day
(17 Skits)
Always Be My BabyMother/Son relationship through the years
Kids Say the Funniest ThingsFunny answers to questions about moms
The Mommy MethodWhat type of Mom are you?
When I Was LittleFour generations of women share memories
The Family QuiltCamparisons of a quilt to a family
Mommy Training CampA man wants to enroll in a training camp for moms
Motherhood Hall of FameAll moms are special
Heart StringsChanges in mother/daughter relationships
What I Admire MostUnrealistic expectations of motherhood
When the Rains CameFamily Foundations
911Losing your identity after having children
HatsThe roles of motherhood
The Wizard of AaahhsFinding help & comfort in God
A Breath of Fresh AirDuties of motherhood
ShineUniqueness of motherhood
Mom's Star SearchWe all have different abilities & talents
Mirror, MirrorThe way we see ourselves