Friendship Skits

Friendship Skits


13 skits found

A Friend Indeed - Comedy

Doris calls the Find a Friend service in her area in order to find a new friend. Doris claims she's tried everything (nodding, smiling, and even answering the door bell) but nothing seems to work.  Jen, the helpful employee, attempts to help Doris but quickly realizes why Doris has problems making friends: she doesn't know how to be a friend. Doris refuses every attempt to initiate friendship and remains inflexible. It seems she has one excuse after another as to why she can't make a friend. Is Doris a lost cause? Find out in this fun, light-hearted comedy that examines the excuses we all make when dealing with potential friendships.  

Themes: Friendship, making friends, the effort it takes to begin a friendship, the importance/benefits of friends, making friends by being a friend
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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And Then There Were Three - Comedy

Paula, Lynn and J.C. have gathered for their regular "girl talk" at the local coffee shop.  During conversation, Paula hands Lynn and J.C. each a small box.  Inside is an engraved necklace commemorating the day the women first met 5 years ago, which was filled with huge misunderstandings and imaginations gone wild. It seems the women shared many similar interests, so they kept running into each other in various places.  However, when the three women turn up at the same book store, at the same time, reading the same magazine, it begins to mess with their minds. Paula ends up thinking she is being stalked and Lynn thinks J.C. is there to kidnap her and take her back to the "mother ship." But what started out as a crazy day 5 years ago, has turned into years of lasting friendship. 

For anyone who has close friendships or those who desire them, this humorous skit reminds us how much women need and appreciate each other. 

Themes: Women's friendship; making friends; common interests women share
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Cruisin' and Losin' - Comedy

Doris goes on a cruise in order to meet new people and make friends but not 24 hours into the cruise, she demands a full refund from Julie, the Cruise Director.  Doris claims she's tried everything (nodding, smiling, and standing around waiting for someone to approach her) but nothing seems to work.  Julie attempts to offer advice to Doris but quickly realizes why Doris has problems making friends: she doesn't know how to be a friend. Doris refuses to "put herself out there" and remains inflexible in her feeble attempts at friendship. Julie soon discovers Doris may be a lost cause in this fun, light-hearted comedy that examines the excuses we all make when dealing with potential friendships.

Themes: Friendship, making friends, the effort it takes to begin a friendship, the importance/benefits of friends, making friends by being a friend
Characters: 2 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Forever Friends - Comedy

Since one of their closest friends moved away, the remaining four members of the Forever Friends Friendship Group has an opening.  The four girls begin the interview process, hoping to find their next best friend.  Will it be Shawna, the beautiful but "ditsy" girl?  Or maybe Ashley, heiress to the Grenada Family Fortune?  Dominique has the fashion sense, but Diana is the most popular girl in school and has connections to all the "cool" kids, including the handsome Chad Atkins.  But maybe Mariah would be better for the group, since her dad is a music producer and can get the girls into all the "hip" concerts.  Tracy and Felicia seem to be nice, but do they have anything of value to offer the group?  The two of them seem to think so, but the rest of the group and applicants aren't so sure.  While the others are bringing wealth, popularity and materialism to the "table," Felicia and Tracy bring something more: giving of themselves.  In the end, Tracy and Felicia realize they may not want to be part of such an "elite" group after all.  

Themes: True friendship, qualities of a friend
Characters: 11 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Gettin By With a Little Help From Your Friends - Comedy

Loosely based on the characters from "Charlotte's Web," this puppet skit finds Fern (a young girl) in the barnyard crying because she will be unable to attend Space Camp, due to poor crops in her father's fields.  When her barnyard friends find out, they want to help but don't know how. Charlotte, a friendly spider, finds the group wallowing in discouragement but gently reminds them there's plenty they can do if they'll all work together. 

Themes: Based on I Timothy 4:12: "Let no one despise thy youth"; helping one another; working together; problem solving; even if you are young or small you are important and can make a contribution; friendship
Characters: 8 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Loyal Friends - Comedy/Drama

This skit tells the story of Naomi and Ruth, from a simple viewpoint.  The narrator reads the lines while various children act out what is being read.  The story travels through the marriage of Emilech and Naomi, to the birth and marriage of their sons, to the death of Emilech and the sons, to the fields of Boaz, and eventual marriage of Ruth and Boaz.  The kids will have fun participating in this story told in a simple and brief way.

Themes: The friendship of Ruth and Naomi; loyalty; God provides
Characters: 8 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Loyal to the End - Comedy

This skit tells the story of the loyal friendship between Naomi and Ruth, and how God honored the loyalty and compassion of these two incredible women.

Themes: The friendship of Ruth and Naomi; loyalty; God provides; reward for obedience; compassion
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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My Will or Yours - Drama

Three friends, Kay, Jessica and Leah all face a big decision in their life.  Kay feels God is leading her to open her own business but she is terrified to step out from her comfort zone. Jessica just got engaged but as she is admiring her engagement ring, she feels God telling her she is marrying the wrong man, and that she should wait for the right one to come along.  Leah is dealing with a rebellious older son who is tearing her family apart, and when God tells her to "let him go" Leah is shocked and a bit confused.  God gently reminds her that "her baby" is 19 years old and that it's time he take responsibility for the consequences of his actions.  Throughout the skit, we see how God gently guides each woman and the results of each of their own actions. In the end, all three women realize the importance and the blessings of doing God's will. 

Themes: Doing God's will; making tough choices; listening to God's voice; trusting God; having faith
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Skeletons in the Closet - Comedy

Beth thinks Louise and Margo are two of the "most together, well-balanced, organized women" she knows: they exercise, eat healthy, read their Bibles, keep a tidy home, handle anger appropriately and never gossip.  Or so Beth thinks.  But when the host of the reality show "Clean Sweep" (a show about messes and disorganization) arrives, Beth realizes Louise and Margo have more than their fair share of skeletons in their closet.

Themes: Virtues & vices; secret sins; lying; the lies we tell ourselves; hiding from others; honesty; things we don't want others to know about ourselves
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Spring Has Sprung - Comedy

Jane is surrounded: she's got over-flowing cabinets full of negative thoughts, bad habits and excessive junk food. Piles of past and present sins are stacked on her floor, as well as mounds of obligations she's committed herself to.  Her floor rug is lumpy from everything she "sweeps under the rug," like all the little "white lies" she often tells. Jane is tired and weary but help is on the way!  Two friends show up at her door to help her do a little "spring cleaning."  Once Jane clears away the clutter, she begins to see her life in a new light.  

Themes: Spiritual spring cleaning; ridding yourself of old sins & habits; letting others help you; friendship; recognizing destructive patterns in your life
Characters: 4 Length: 8-10 minutes
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Stepping Stones - Comedy

Four women at various stages of life come together at Stepping Stones, a local women's ministry.  At first their reasons for attending appear somewhat "superficial" but underneath each woman there is a desperate need to "connect." Mary, an "empty-nester" who can't quit sobbing uncontrollably, is actually seeking friendship and just someone to "chat" with; Bess, a middle-aged woman with two teen boys who "need a lot of prayer", claims to only be there for the refreshments since her boys "eat her out of house and home"; Sarah, who thinks a class titled "Sweeter than Chocolate" is about eating desserts (when in actuality it is a study in Psalms), just needs a break because she is a young mom with 3 toddlers under the age of 4; and Ruth who is 83 and keeps falling asleep, thinks she's there to play Bingo.  Though these women are at different ages, have different backgrounds and lifestyles, and have come to Stepping Stones for various reasons, one thing remains the same for each of them: they each have a deep desire for fellowship and community with other Godly women, which by the end of the skit they are convinced they will find. 

Themes: Women in fellowship and community with one another; women's friendships; women's groups
Characters: 5 Length: 5-8 minutes
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These Friends of Mine - Comedy

For Sarah's 12th birthday, she has invited several of her friends over for a slumber party but soon regrets her decision because of their behavior.  Armed with a remote control, the skit unfolds through the eyes of Sarah's older sister, Betsy, who pauses and rewinds the characters, so the audience can see firsthand what has driven Sarah to tears.  According to Betsy, Sarah is the kind of person "who actually does all those good things we learn in Sunday School."  Too bad her friends don't do the same: Tiffany is a spoiled girl who manipulates and controls to get her way; Twyla lives to agitate Tiffany, who also happens to be her older sister; Amber is Tiffany's advocate and allows her to get away with everything; and Chris tries to do the right thing but when push comes to shove, she always give in.  Sarah hopes her good examples of friendship will rub off on her friends but so far, it doesn't seem to be working.  Soon Betsy takes matters into her own hands, and finds a way to use the remote control to help out her sister permanently. 

Themes: Friendship; characteristics of a friend; how to treat others; selfishness
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Through the Years - Comedy/Drama

As Thelma prepares to move across country, she and her friend Betty reminisce about the memories they have created over their 20 years of friendship. 

Themes: Friendship; Prayer
Characters: 2 Length: 4-5 minutes
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Black History Month
(23 Skits)
Dreams Begin with DreamersThe impact of the dreamers in our history
PersevereObama speaks to Mandela and Marting Luther King
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
Hair We Go AgainMadam C.J. Walker's hair care beginnings
Night WatchLincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation
Color My WorldChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Color My World at SchoolChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Peanut GalleryGeorge Wshington Carver & the peanut
Unforgettable OA fun tribute to Oprah Winfrey
This Means WarCivil War statues come to life in a museum
Use Me UpA tribute to the life work of Oprah Winfrey
ReminiscingAfrican American icons reflect on their lives
Name that ContributorA guessing game of Black History
Call to WorshipWorship during slavery
Thrill RideAppreciation for Michael Jackson's life work
Going UnderA slave family escapes to freedom
Symbols of FreedomVarious voices in black history
FulfillmentPast meets present
Invention ConnectionAfrican American Inventors
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
GenerationsChanges in black history
The Seat of her PantsRosa Parks
The Future is HistoryContributions to Black History
Marthin Luther King Jr. Day
(3 Skits)
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
FulfillmentPast meets present
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
Valentine's Day
(17 Skits)
Oh, the Places You Can GoA young couple analyzes their future together
Hillbilly LoveOpposites attract
The Perfect BlendComparisons of marraige to a good cup of coffee
My ValentineFour children learn about sharing God's love
Pretty Woman at the WellMelodrama about the woman at the well
Sweet AdelineA woman wants more romance from her husband
Games People PlayA couple manipulate each other to get their way
Seasonal ConceptsEvery marriage experiences ups and downs
Cupid's ArrowA husband and wife switch roles
Would You Be MineCompromise in relationships
Classic MilesMaintaining your relationship
God's ValentineGod's Love
Light My FireRekindling the romance
Looking for LoveDefining Love
I Love You, ButMarriage relationships
Love Me TenderMeeting each other's needs
How Do I Love TheeGod's Love