All Puppet Skits

All Puppet Skits


42 skits found

A Cut Above - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Disobedience; Patience; Regret; Consequences of sin; Bible story of Samson
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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A Whale of a Tale - Comedy
John has to go to the dentist but he doesn't want to, so he decides to run away.
Themes: Jonah & the whale, obedience, running away from your problems
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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A'Camping We Will Go - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Thinking of others; "The Golden Rule"; Unselfishness; Helping others; Loyalty; Bible story of Ruth
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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All Creatures Great and Small - Comedy
When Jared has a bad day he deems himself a loser but God sends a ladybug to deliver a message of another kind.
Themes: God's love; God cares about all of His creations; seeing ourselves through God's eyes
Characters: 3 Length: 4-6 minutes
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Angels Unaware - Comedy
With Jesus birth quickly approaching, angels are called to find a way to tell the humans about this miraculous event.
Themes: Christmas; Angels announcing the coming of Jesus; Mary and Joseph; human interaction with angels
Characters: 4 Length: 3-4 minutes
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Are We There Yet? - Comedy
After hearing Jesus will be in town, a mom takes her son to see Jesus.
Themes: Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me"; Jesus and children; child-like behaviors
Characters: 2 Length: 3-4 minutes
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Bulls Eye - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Faith; Trust in God; Dependence on God; Calling on God; Real God vs. false god; Bible story of Elijah
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Do My Best - Comedy
Paula has been chosen to sing the National Anthem at a championship basketball game, but is afraid she'll forget the words
Themes: Heroes do their best in everything
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Don't Go in There - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Guilt; Cheating; Redemption; Courage; Doing the right thing; Confession; Bible story of Esther
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Fight or Flight - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Prayer; Fighting; Bullies; Standing up for yourself; Holding true to your beliefs; Bible story of Daniel
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Float Your Boat - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Faith; Trust; Obedience; Precision; Bible story of Noah
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Get in the Game - Comedy
Shawn is new in town and can't seem to accept the rules of his new baseball team
Themes: Heroes follow God's plan
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Give Me a Sign - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Waiting on God; Dependence on God; Be Alert; Seeking God's Will: Bible story of Gideon
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Glory Rock - Comedy
When a group of friends do nothing but complain, the surrounding rocks cry out.
Themes: Being thankful in all situations; praising God no matter the circumstances; complaining vs. being thankful
Characters: 6 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Hair We Go - Comedy
When C.J. Walker's hair starts falling out due to a scalp condition, she decides to develop a product to reverse the effects.
Themes: Black History; Madam C.J. Walker; Black inventors
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Help is on the Way - Comedy
When Fern's barnyard companions find her crying, they decide to help in whatever way they can. Based on "Charlotte's Web."
Themes: Based on I Timothy 4:12: "Let no one despise thy youth"; helping one another; working together; problem solving; even if you are young or small you are important and can make a contribution; friendship
Characters: 8 Length: 8-10 minutes
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I Wish - Drama
Kara finds herself feeling sorry for all the activities she seems to miss out on since she is in a wheelchair.
Themes: Appreciating your uniqueness, person's with disabilities, celebrating who you are
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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It's Good to be Home-6 -
Characters: 0 Length: 1 minutes
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Movie Time - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Peer pressure; Temptation; Appropriate behavior; Choices; Bible story of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Obey God - Comedy
Bobby gives up his dream of setting a new state record, in order to let his friend be the hero in a baseball game
Themes: True heroes obey God even when it's not easy; obedience
Characters: 4 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Plunge into Courage -
Characters: 0 Length: 1 minutes
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Plunge into Faith -
Characters: 0 Length: 1 minutes
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Plunge into Obedience -
Characters: 0 Length: 1 minutes
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Plunge into Opportunity -
Characters: 0 Length: 1 minutes
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Plunge into Service -
Characters: 0 Length: 1 minutes
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Plunge into Worship -
Characters: 0 Length: 1 minutes
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Recruit New Teammates - Comedy
Patty invites a friend to church
Themes: Heroes tell others about Jesus
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Super Who - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Being sensitive to the abilities of others; Strengths and weaknesses; Making new friends
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Take Action - Comedy
Nate wants to be sensitive to others, even if it mean giving up a long awaited trip
Themes: Heroes put others first
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Thanks for the Memories - Drama
A wheelchair bound girl thanks those who have helped her over the years.
Themes: Special Olympics, appreciation & recognition, giving of your time, thankfulness
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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The Chocolate Cross - Comedy/Drama
Two kids who thought Easter was mainly about coloring eggs and getting Easter baskets, learn its true meaning
Themes: Easter; the real meaning of Easter; Jesus die for our sins
Characters: 4 Length: 5-8 minutes
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The Cleansing - Comedy
When children decide to play "baptism" a discussion begins on what this event really means.
Themes: Baptism, children and baptism, the cleansing power of water
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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The Ginger Man Can - Comedy
After a gingerbread man comes to life, he searches for a job at the North Pole.
Themes: Being yourself, using the strengths you have been given; we all have unique talents and abilities, Christmas
Characters: 9 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Grand Chapter - Comedy
Max and Ruby discuss the ups and downs of grandparents.
Themes: Grandparents and grandchildren
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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The Greatest Gift - Comedy
A discussion between various holiday characters ensues as to who is the most important holiday icon.
Themes: Christmas, Jesus' birth, Commercialism, "The Reason for the Season"
Characters: 5 Length: 8-10 minutes
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The Real Deal - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Belief in God; Faith/Trust; False gods; Bible story of Elijah
Characters: 3 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Time Well Spent - Comedy
A group of kids are challenged to "take on" things for Lent (good attitudes, community service etc.) instead of giving things up.
Themes: Lent; thinking of others; community service, easter
Characters: 4 Length: 4-5 minutes
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To Shave or Not to Shave - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Friendship; Support; Sensitivity towards others; Bible story of Ruth
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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To Tell or Not to Tell - Comedy
A superhero who forgets that what the world says, and what God says are often different.
Themes: Wrong doing; Repentance; Confession, Courage; Peer Pressure; Bible story of Esther
Characters: 2 Length: 3-5 minutes
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Transformation Station - Comedy
Polly must set the record straight when her friend Matt incorrectly interprets the ideas in Romans 12.
Themes: Romans 12; being spiritually transformed; using the talents God gave us; misinterpreting scripture: back to school
Characters: 4 Length: 4-5 minutes
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Trust and Obey - Comedy
A family decides to close their restaurant until they begin to hear God's voice telling them otherwise.
Themes: Trusting in God; Proverbs 3:5,6 (Trust in the Lord with all your heart...; obeying God; hearing God's voice
Characters: 7 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Work Until Jesus Comes - Comedy
A young girl is searching through the "want ads" to find a job because she wants to work for Jesus.
Themes: Working for Jesus; Helping others; Not being selfish
Characters: 9 Length: 5-8 minutes
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Black History Month
(23 Skits)
Dreams Begin with DreamersThe impact of the dreamers in our history
PersevereObama speaks to Mandela and Marting Luther King
The WitnessesMartin Luther King Jr's life & death remembered
Hair We Go AgainMadam C.J. Walker's hair care beginnings
Night WatchLincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation
Color My WorldChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Color My World at SchoolChildren learn being different isn't always bad
Peanut GalleryGeorge Wshington Carver & the peanut
Unforgettable OA fun tribute to Oprah Winfrey
This Means WarCivil War statues come to life in a museum
Use Me UpA tribute to the life work of Oprah Winfrey
ReminiscingAfrican American icons reflect on their lives
Name that ContributorA guessing game of Black History
Call to WorshipWorship during slavery
Thrill RideAppreciation for Michael Jackson's life work
Going UnderA slave family escapes to freedom
Symbols of FreedomVarious voices in black history
FulfillmentPast meets present
Invention ConnectionAfrican American Inventors
I Have a DreamContributions of Martin Luther King
GenerationsChanges in black history
The Seat of her PantsRosa Parks
The Future is HistoryContributions to Black History
Valentine's Day
(17 Skits)
Oh, the Places You Can GoA young couple analyzes their future together
Hillbilly LoveOpposites attract
The Perfect BlendComparisons of marraige to a good cup of coffee
My ValentineFour children learn about sharing God's love
Pretty Woman at the WellMelodrama about the woman at the well
Sweet AdelineA woman wants more romance from her husband
Games People PlayA couple manipulate each other to get their way
Seasonal ConceptsEvery marriage experiences ups and downs
Cupid's ArrowA husband and wife switch roles
Would You Be MineCompromise in relationships
Classic MilesMaintaining your relationship
God's ValentineGod's Love
Light My FireRekindling the romance
Looking for LoveDefining Love
I Love You, ButMarriage relationships
Love Me TenderMeeting each other's needs
How Do I Love TheeGod's Love
(17 Skits)
Faces at the CrossViewpoints from those present at the crucifixion
I AmSatan accuses, Jesus forgives & sets free
Lent is SpentA new concept for Lent
More Than a Chocolate CrossKids learn the real meaning of Easter
What Jesus Did for MeKids act out the death and resurrection of Jesus
In His Own WordsJesus talks about his death and resurrection
Down from the CrossJesus wants to celebrate his life, not his death
Hope at the CrossHurting people find hope at the cross
With this CupJesus and his disciples at the last supper
He Has RisenThe ressurection of Jesus
It is FinishedPalm day celebration leading to the crucifixion
A Knight's TaleSalvation & Forgiveness of sins
All You NeedJesus is all we need in life
Dear JesusThe difference Jesus makes in our lives
The AccusedCasting blame for the crucifixion
Love Will Find a WayThe agony of Jesus sacrifice
The PaintingSalvation
Mother's Day
(17 Skits)
Always Be My BabyMother/Son relationship through the years
Kids Say the Funniest ThingsFunny answers to questions about moms
The Mommy MethodWhat type of Mom are you?
When I Was LittleFour generations of women share memories
The Family QuiltCamparisons of a quilt to a family
Mommy Training CampA man wants to enroll in a training camp for moms
Motherhood Hall of FameAll moms are special
Heart StringsChanges in mother/daughter relationships
What I Admire MostUnrealistic expectations of motherhood
When the Rains CameFamily Foundations
911Losing your identity after having children
HatsThe roles of motherhood
The Wizard of AaahhsFinding help & comfort in God
A Breath of Fresh AirDuties of motherhood
ShineUniqueness of motherhood
Mom's Star SearchWe all have different abilities & talents
Mirror, MirrorThe way we see ourselves