Hats-Drama Skit

Hats-Drama Skit

Themes: The many roles of motherhood, moms of young children, a typical day in the life of a mom
Categories: Women's Ministry, Mother's Day 

"I can sum up motherhood in one word: "hats," says one woman.  Apparently, she has a chef hat, housekeeper hat, chauffeur's hat, nurse's hat, detective hat etc.  This fun 1 person monologue can be read to the audience as a letter or acted out, signifying all the "hats" (roles) women have as mothers.  Actual hat props are optional.

Style: Monologue

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Characters: 1 (1 Female)
Length: 5-8 minutes
Excerpt (Sample)

Setting: Woman seated in a chair, with a pen and pad of paper. As she speaks, she writes. Actual hats can be used throughout the skit as well as other props to serve as visual aides, but it is optional.


Dear Ladies Home Journal,

I am writing in response to your latest request. You asked all the mothers out there to write in and tell you what motherhood means to them. Well, I can sum up motherhood in one simple word: hats.

"Hats?" you may say. "Yes. Hats." Allow me to explain by describing a typical day in my life as a mother:

The alarm clock rings. After hitting the "snooze" button for the 5th time, I decide to get up. Upon making my way down the stairs, the first words that greet my ears are "Mommy, what's for breakfast?" As I stumble into the way-too-bright kitchen, waiting for my eyes to adjust, I ask in a hopeful tone, "Who wants cold cereal this morning?" No response. "Pop tart?" No response. "Breakfast bar?" Silence.

"Momma panny cake?" asks a little voice. "Eggs," says the bigger one. .I want oatmeal," says my oldest.  I breathe a huge sigh, as I fumble around for my chef's hat. (reaches over and puts on hat) "Okay," I say meekly, "but first mommy needs a huge cup of coffee!"

Several dirty dishes, sticky hands and messy faces later, I trade in my chef's hat for that of a fashion designer. (puts on a stylish looking hat) "No Jimmy, purple and orange don't go together," I say. "Neither do flowers and stripes Jennifer." I sent the oldest back to her closet, then help dress the younger two until they look fabulous.

Getting Jennifer ready for school and Jimmy ready for pre-school requires my best secretarial hat. (takes off fashion hat and puts on a business looking hat and/or glasses) Looking at my calendar, I announce, "Jen has dance after school, then soccer practice at 5:30. Jim goes to the zoo today for a field trip. He needs his backpack....check.....lunch money.....check...'suntan lotion....check....and his permission slip." (looks around frantically) "Oh no, where's his permission slip? I just had it yesterday!"

Fifteen minutes later, the permission slip is safely tucked in Jim's backpack. Okay, so maybe it ended up at the bottom of the garbage can, and maybe it had a little smudge of ketchup on it, and maybe it had some eggshell pieces and coffee grounds stuck to it, but at least he's got it.

As we get into the car, I put on my chauffeur's hat. (put on a chauffeur hat) I drive Jen to the elementary school, and Jim to pre-school, which is clear on the other side of town, (of course), then little Jake and I head to the cleaners, the grocery story, and the bank, where I realize I forgot the check I was supposed to deposit. I head back home to get the check, then go back to the bank, and then back home again. Okay, maybe before getting home I stop by the bakery and get a few chocolate donuts, but only because I realize it's going to be "one of those days," and nothing helps on "one of those days" quite like chocolate.