Always Be My Baby-Drama Skit

Always Be My Baby-Drama Skit

Themes: Mother's Day; Parent/Child Relationship; Growing Up; Circle of Life: Parents take care of their children, then children take care of their parents
Categories: Family, Mother's Day 

Inspired by the book, "Love You Forever," by Robert Munsch, this skit takes you through the various stages of parenthood and childhood.  We begin as Mom and Dad bring their new bundle of joy home from the hospital, venture through the middle school years, through graduation, marriage and grandchildren.  All the while, Mom bestows her son with her loving mantra: "No matter how old you are, or where  you set your feet...I'll always be your mom and you'll always be my baby."  The relationship comes full circle in the end, when the Son moves back to his hometown, to take care of his aging parents.  

Told with love and sincerity, this touching skit will pull at the heartstrings of any parent! 

Style: Drama

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Characters: 6 (5 Male, 1 Female)
With a few minor tweaks, this skit could easily be changed from a Son character to a Daughter character. Perfect for Mother/Daughter banquets.
Length: 5-8 minutes
Excerpt (Sample)

Setting: A living   room

As   the scene opens, Mom and Dad enter.    Mom is carrying a baby in her arms, while Dad is overloaded with a   diaper bag, stuffed animals etc.


Once upon at   time, a husband and wife loved each other very much, and soon their family of   two grew into a family of three.


(crooning   over the baby, as she speaks to her husband) Isn't he the most beautiful baby you've ever   seen in your life?


(putting   down the items in his arms)   How could he not be with genes like   this? (indicates himself) 


(looks down at the baby and smiles)   He's absolutely perfect! (she sits down   with the baby still in her arms)


(sitting next to her) Honey, you're   going to have to put him down eventually.


I know but I just   want to hold him a little while longer.    I can't get over how tiny his little fingers are; and look at these   toes and his chubby-wubby cheeks! (she   kiss the baby's cheeks) He's mommy's little angel.


You say that   now...just wait a few years when he hits those terrible twos!


(shaking    her head) It doesn't matter what he does or how old he gets -   he'll always be my baby. (looking at   the baby) No matter how old you are, or where  you set your feet...I'll always be your mom   and you'll always be my baby.


(sniffing) Well, it's a good thing   you're here now 'cause it smells like someone could use a diaper change! Come   on, I'll help.

As   Narrator speaks, Mom and Dad take the baby and exit


As the years pass   by, the baby grows and learns to walk, and then talk, and Mom and Dad start   planning for the future.

Mom   enters with a small backpack and a lunch box


(calling   in a loud voice, looking off stage)   C'mon sweetheart, I want to get your picture before you go. (Mom picks up a camera off the coffee   table)

Preschool   aged boy walks into room


I don't feel   good.


Where does it   hurt?

Son   points to tummy with a sad face


I see. Do you   think maybe you are a little nervous about Daddy taking you to preschool?


(enters, as if ready for work) Did I   hear my name mentioned?  Whatever it   was...I didn't do it!

Dad   laughs as Mom smiles


Your little buddy   here says he's nervous about his first day at preschool.


Aaaahhh...well,   it's okay to be nervous.  We all get   nervous sometimes.  But I am betting   this will be a fun day for you.


(looks to his dad) Will you come in   with me?


Of course! Mom   would have my hide if I didn't.  (smiles at Mom)


That's   right.  Now stand over there by our dad   and let me get a picture of your first day of preschool.

Dad   and son stand together, Mom snaps the picture, then Mom walks over, kneels   down and helps him put on his backpack


You remember what   I always tell you?

Son   nods his head "yes" and hugs her


(looking at Son) No matter how old you   are, or where you set your feet...I'll be your mom and you'll always be my   baby.

Mom   stands up and Dad hugs her


(to Son) Alrighty,   let's get out of here before she starts kissing us...

Son & Dad:

(in   unison)   Eeeeewwww!


(Mom   puts her hands on her hips and smiles) Go on, get out of here now.   

Mom   "shoos" them off the stage, as they all exit


As the years pass   by their son gets older and so do Mom and Dad. The school years bring   challenges and rewards, too.

Mom,   Dad and Son enter the living room as if they've just gotten home.  A pre-teen son is holding a small plaque   and certificate


I'm so proud of   you, Son.


Me too!  Our son...Student of the Month! (kisses    her son on the cheek)


Mom, stop it!   It's not big deal. (shuffles towards   the couch)


Well, it is for   your dad and I.  We love you so much,   sweetheart.  You are doing a great job   at school.


But my grades   aren't as good as some others in my class. I don't know why they picked me. (sits down on the couch, Dad sits down next   to him)


Because you are a   good student. Being a good student doesn't just mean the best grades.  You set a good example and help out when   you can, and the teachers appreciate that.


I guess I'm just   not very good with awards and stuff.

Mom   sits down on the other side of him on the couch


Well, you   deserved it.  (Mom puts her arm around him) How 'bout some cake and ice- cream   to celebrate?


Now that sounds   good.


Thanks guys.


Ahhh, sweetheart,   I know being in middle school is hard.    But remember, no matter how old you are or where you set your   feet...I'll always be your mom and you'll always be my baby.




I meant it...and   I'll always mean it.