What Jesus Did for Me-Drama Skit

What Jesus Did for Me-Drama Skit

Themes: Easter; Jesus death and resurrection
Categories: Easter, Children 

A children's Sunday School teacher wants to teach the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and she feels the best way is to "show" them, by allowing them to act out various parts of the Easter story.  For one boy in particular, he learns how difficult it must have been for Jesus, and how much God loved us to allow His only son to go through such a horrible experience. But in the end, the focus is on the resurrection and the idea that there is hope for us to live forever in heaven because of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.

Style: Comedy/Drama

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Characters: 7 (5 Male, 1 Female, 1 Neutral)
Length: 8-10 minutes
Excerpt (Sample)


Setting: Sunday school class room for elementary aged children.




Today I want to talk about the meaning of Easter.  Does anyone know what Easter is all about?



It’s about the Easter bunny bringing you a basket full of candy and gifts!



That’s not right.  I think it’s about Jesus and stuff.



Yeah, something about how Jesus died.



It’s about the way Jesus died.  It’s the story of how Jesus died for us and His sacrifice.  If you want to know more, we could do a little play.



You mean we get to act it out?



Sure.  I’ll tell you what to do and you can learn while we are acting.






Okay, first we need some important actors.  We’ll need a couple of soldiers.  We’ll need someone to play the part of Simon and someone to…



(Interrupting and very excited.)  I want to be Jesus!  Can I be Jesus? Please, please, please!



If you are really sure.  Do you know what happens to Jesus, Zach?



No, but you said we could learn while we’re acting.  Jesus was a very important man.  He was God’s son and all.  I can do it.  Please!



Okay, Zach will be Jesus. 



Cool!  I get to be Jesus. (He starts strutting around the room.)



Who wants to be Simon?



I can.



Great.  Tim and David, would you like to be soldiers?






Yeah.  (hopeful) Do we get to fight?



No, you don’t fight but you have an important job though.






Molly, Lauren, Tommy, Derick and Jonathan – you can be the crowd.


The five kids nod their heads.



Great.  First we’ll act out the Judgement.  Crowd, come over here for a second.  The rest of you move over there. (she points to the other side of the stage)  I want you all to circle around Jesus. Soldiers, stand back a little and guard the crowd.

After the children move off she bends down and whispers to her group. The teacher takes a few seconds to whisper in each of the “Crowd” ears.  She then takes her seat.




Okay, ready everyone?  Go!



(each of the kids yell things out one at a time or they can all yell things at the same time)

“You’re dirty.”
“You smell stinky.” 
“You are a bad man.” 
“You’re gross.” 
“You are ugly.”



Hey, that’s not funny.  This isn’t fair Miss Kelly!



You wanted to be Jesus Zach, and this is what happened.  Jesus was standing before a crowd of angry people and they were yelling mean hurtful things to him.  Some of them told lies about him.  He just stood there and listened, he didn’t talk back.



(Disappointed)  Okay.



(the kids start yelling again) Oooh, there’s that bad man (pointing their fingers at him).  Yeah, he’s the one who is gross.  Don’t forget dirty and smelly.



(He hangs his head in shame.)  God, I know you will protect me from these people.  I didn’t do anything wrong.



(The crowd starts laughing and pointing.  The soldiers move in and tell the crowd to move on.)



Ok, ok people, enough of this!



Go away and leave this man alone.

(Everyone quiets down and looks at the Teacher)



That was very good.  Zach, how did it make you feel when everyone was yelling at you, saying things that aren’t true?



It makes me sad.  I’m not really a bad person.  I thought you were all my friends.



We are friends. 



(A few kids come and pat Zach on the back.)



Zach, the things I told them to say were some of the things the crowd of people were yelling at Jesus when he was judged.  Those people decided that Jesus should die.  These kids were just acting since you were playing the part of Jesus.  You know they all like you. 



(Looking at the group.)   You do?  (all kids nod)  Gosh, Jesus was a really tough man.  He didn’t say or do anything while everyone was shouting at him.



He certainly was a good man.  Now let’s move to the second part.  After Jesus was judged, the soldiers made him carry a very heavy cross.  Zach, do you think you can carry my chair down the hall and back?



Sure – that’ll be easy.  (He picks up the chair.)  Wow, this is heavier than I thought.  Can I just drag it behind me?



Nope. Okay, kids, please make an isle between you so Zach, er…I mean Jesus can carry his “cross.”  Soldiers, you need to follow Jesus but you can’t help him.


Zach picks up the heavy chair and starts walking.  He stops and sets it down, catches his breath and picks it back up again.



Okay Zach, you can stop for a minute.  (She looks at the class and waves to gather them to her.)  At this point in the story Jesus was very tired.  He was sweaty and thirsty.  He was so tired of carrying that heavy cross that he fell down. 



That sounds like a good idea! (He plops down on the ground.)