The Devil Ain't Happy with this Halloween-Drama Skit

The Devil Ain't Happy with this Halloween-Drama Skit

Themes: Halloween; using Halloween as a witness for God; alternatives to celebrating Halloween in the usual way; changing the atmosphere of Halloween
Categories: Halloween, God/Satan, Topical, Christian Living 

Fran has vowed never to let her children participate in Halloween but this year a friend of hers is sharing some unusual views about the "evil" holiday.  Barb and her family have been trying to change the "spirit" of Halloween in her neighborhood for the last few years, and it seems to be catching on.  Instead of witches and goblins, creepy and scary, Barb and her family have opted to be the "friendliest house in town."  Not only that, they've begun to silently witness for God by showing traits of friendship, service and kindness to all those who come to their door. They provide hot chocolate on chilly evenings, park benches for parents to sit on and much more.  Now, the whole neighborhood is catching this new Halloween fever!  Can it really be true that God can even use something like Halloween to reach His people?  Barb seems to think so, because as the old saying goes, "the proof is in the pudding."

Style: Comedy/Drama

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Characters: 3 (3 Female)
Length: 5-8 minutes
Excerpt (Sample)

Setting: A casual atmosphere where two women, Barb and Marla appear to be sitting, talking. 

Fran:                (enters and plops down in a chair) Well, it's that time of year.  My kids are asking again if they can go trick or treating this year.  More like begging to go, actually.  

Barb:               What did you tell them? 

Fran:                I wasn't sure what to tell them.  I've always thought of Halloween as more of Satan's holiday and I still don't think I want them participating in it but they always seem so disappointed every year.  I'm wondering if I'm being too strict in this area. 

Marla:              I've never really understood why Halloween is so bad.  It's just a bunch of kids dressing up in fun costumes, going out to get candy.  What's wrong with that? 

Barb:               I think it was because of how it got started.  Originally, it was a celebration that focused on death. 

Marla:              Really? 

Barb:               Yes.  People believed ghosts and other spirit-beings or demons would visit the land of the living on October 31. 

Fran:                People began dressing up in order to .fool. the spirits so they would leave them alone.   

Marla:              I didn't realize that. 

Fran:                There are also real people who claim to be witches and others who worship Satan, and Halloween is a serious holiday for them.  They see it as a special time to praise and worship the .Lord of Darkness..  

Barb:               For some, Halloween can bring out the worst. 

Marla:              I guess I never looked at that way.  (to Barb) Don't you treat the kids in your neighborhood?  

Barb:               Yes, we do.  

Fran:                But you just said. 

Barb:               I know.  

Fran:                Then, how can you allow yourself to participate in such a holiday? 

Barb:               I guess we're trying to change the atmosphere of Halloween in our neighborhood. 

Marla:              What do you mean by that? 

Barb:               We're trying to take out all the negativity and 'scariness. of Halloween and replace it with a more fun and friendly atmosphere. 

Fran:                How can you do that? 

Barb:               The first year we lived on our block, our next door neighbors seemed to enjoy scaring the pants off of all the children that came to treat.  Many of the kids that came to our door were trembling and had tears rolling down their faces. 

Fran:                That's terrible! 

Barb:               We thought so too.  So, the next year, we vowed to be the friendliest house in town.  We went out of our way to create a yard full of friendly pumpkins, hay bales and a few other things that would make the kids feel safe and happy to come to our house.  

Marla:              Did it work? 

Barb:               It sure did! We had several parents comment on how nice it was for their kids to not be scared.  

Marla:              What did your neighbors think? 

Barb:               They weren't too happy actually, because many of the kids bypassed their house and came straight to ours. 

Fran:                I still don't see how you feel comfortable participating in Halloween. 

Barb:               We try to look at it differently.  We felt that most of the people in the neighborhood were going to trick or treat anyway, so we looked at it as an opportunity to witness to them silently.  

Fran:                You mean like handing out Bible tracks and things like that? 

Barb:               No, although I know some families do that.  We chose to help out the people on our block by providing benches along the way for parents to sit on when they got tired and we hand out hot chocolate every year on chilly nights to keep the parents warm. 

Fran:                I'm not sure I'm following. 

Marla:              I think I might be.  You're not changing the holiday itself, you're changing the 'spirit. of the holiday.  

Barb:               Right.  We're trying to take out the evil part of it, and replace it with things more of God, like service, kindness and friendship. 

Fran:                Is that really working?