Super Dude Puppets 2-Puppet Set

Super Dude Puppets 2-Puppet Set

Themes: Disobedience; Patience; Regret; Consequences of sin; Bible story of Samson; Guilt; Cheating; Redemption; Courage; Doing the right thing; Confession; Bible story of Esther; Peer pressure; Temptation; Appropriate behavior; Choices; Bible story of Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego; Faith; Trust in God; Dependence on God; Calling on God; Real God vs. false god; Bible story of Elijah
Categories: Children, Topical, Bible Characters 

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...Super Dude?" 

Super Dude is a puppet character who has a difficult time relating to the "human" world. His helpfulness is often misguided, as he forgets that as humans we are limited in our own abilities, and that what the world says, and what God says are often different. 

Skit 1: A Cut Above

A girl regrets her decision of using a new hair stylist

Skit 2: Don't Go in There

After cheating on a test, a girl can't stand the guilt

Skit 3: Movie Time

Two boys are bullied into watching a movie they know is inappropriate

Skit 4: Bull's Eye

A boy learns first hand the power of the one true God


These skits can also be purchased individually.

Style: Comedy

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Characters: 5 (3 Male, 2 Female)
There are different characters in each skit.
Length: 3-5 minutes
No in set: 4
Excerpt (Sample)

Props: Ugly wig for Susie puppet

Lisa: Oh Susie, you have such pretty hair. It’s so long and bouncy.

Susie: (proudly) Yes, I know. I think my hair is my best feature.

Lisa: You’re so lucky. I wish my hair looked like yours. How do you keep it looking so good all the time?

Susie: (hesitating) Well Lisa, it’s kind of a secret…

Lisa: Oh come on, Susie, I’m your best friend—you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone.

Susie: I don’t know…

Lisa: Oh please, tell me Susie!

Susie: Well, do you promise you won’t tell anyone else?

Lisa: I promise! I won’t say a word.

Susie: (giving in) Okay. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve only gone to one hair stylist. His Name is Roberto. He created a special shampoo for my hair, and he even uses a special pair of scissors to cut my hair perfectly.

Lisa: Special scissors?

Susie: Yep.

Lisa: That’s pretty cool. No wonder your hair always looks so good.

Susie: Yeah, only I have a problem.

Super Dude: (SD) (appears) Did I hear someone say they had a problem?

Lisa: Hey, look Susie, it’s Super Dud.

SD: That’s Super Dude! Now, (turning to Susie) what’s your problem?