Super Dude Puppets 1-Puppet Set

Super Dude Puppets 1-Puppet Set

Themes: Being sensitive to the abilities of others; Strengths and weaknesses; Making new friends; Wrong doing; Repentance; Confession, Courage; Peer Pressure; Bible story of Esther; Friendship; Support; Sensitivity towards others; Bible story of Ruth; Belief in God; Faith/Trust; False gods; Bible story of Elijah
Categories: With God, Personal, Children, Life Situations, Topical, Bible Characters 

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...Super Dude?" 

Super Dude is a puppet character who has a difficult time relating to the "human" world. His helpfulness is often misguided, as he forgets that as humans we are limited in our own abilities, and that what the world says, and what God says are often different. 

Skit 1: Introduction of Super Dude

Two boys struggle to find something fun to do

Skit 2: To Tell or Not to Tell

A young girl contemplates telling the truth after she commits a terrible act

Skit 3: To Shave or Not to Shave

Super Dude stops a young boy from shaving his head, but then he thinks he may have made a mistake

Skit 4: The Real Deal

A boy and girl argue over whether or not Super Dude is real.


These skits can be purchased individually or as a set.

Style: Comedy

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Characters: 4 (3 Male, 1 Female)
Length: 3-5 minutes
No in set: 4
Excerpt (Sample)

Brian: What do you want to do today, Chad?

Chad: Want to play frisbee?

Brian: Naah, we did that yesterday.

Chad: How about watching t.v.?

Brian: No, too boring.

Chad: Then you come up with something, Brian.

Brian: Play baseball?

Chad: With only two people? I don’t think so.

Brian: There’s got to be something fun we can do.

Chad: (looking up) Hey, what’s that?

Brian: It looks like a bird.

Chad: It’s not a bird.

Brian: Okay, it’s a plane then.

Chad: It’s not a plane either.

Brian: Then what is it?

Super Dude (SD): (yelling) Look out below! (Super Dude quickly flies in andcrashes right into Chad, knocking him down.

Chad:    Owww!