Fight or Flight-Puppet Skit

Fight or Flight-Puppet Skit

Themes: Prayer; Fighting; Bullies; Standing up for yourself; Holding true to your beliefs; Bible story of Daniel
Categories: With God, Personal, Children, Topical, Bible Characters 

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...Super Dude?" 

Super Dude is a puppet character who has a difficult time relating to the "human" world. His helpfulness is often misguided, as he forgets that as humans we are limited in our own abilities, and that what the world says, and what God says are often different.

A boy is bullied for praying at school

Style: Comedy

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Characters: 3 (3 Male)
Length: 3-5 minutes
Excerpt (Sample)

Props: 3 signs. One should read "Saturday," one should read "Sunday," and one should read "Monday." (Sam is bowing his head in prayer as the scene opens.)

Bart: (angry and intimidating—a bully type) Hey you! Sam!

(Sam is startled and looks up.)

Bart: I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you praying at school anymore! Didn’t I tell you that?

Sam: (scared) Yes, Bart you did.

Bart: Then why is it that I come around the corner and see you with your head bowed down? Were you sleepin’?

Sam: No.

Bart: Were you lookin’ at some crumbs left on your shirt from lunch?

Sam: No.

Bart: Is your neck broken?

Sam: No.

Bart: If you weren’t doing any of those things then you must have been praying, right?

Sam: (stuttering) I…I….uh…yeah.

Bart: That’s what I thought! Now how can you be so stupid as to still be praying around here when you know I’m gonna beat you black and blue for it? Don’t you know that praying at this school is dangerous to your health?